
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Zicht Versioning


The ZichtVersioningBundle hooks into Doctrine to save versions in a separate entity called EntityVersion, keeping track of changes and being able to revert to and plan future versions.

Implementation notes

Marking versionable behaviour

To make an entity versionable, the entity should implement the interface VersionableInterface. For all OneToMany relations, the relation must be marked cascade={...,"persist"} and the contained entity must implement the EmbeddedVersionableInterface.

The version data that is currently in the entity's table is called the active version. By setting another version active, the data from the version table is loaded into the entity and persisted to the database. This makes the versioning transparent; i.e., other components do not need to know that the entity is versioned, and can simply query the database directly, since the active version is always in the database table.

There is a command to introspect these versions, which can be useful for debugging.

cloning objects

If you want to be able to clone objects, you need to reset the object's id:

public function __clone()
    $this->id = null;

Otherwise, the versioning will mix up the record id references.

Sonata integration

Because the versioned embedded entities do not exist in the database, sonata's method of referring to objects using their id (in the childId parameter in the routes) does not work. For this, the EmbeddedVersionableAdminTrait is supplied to override the id(), update() and generateObjectUrl() methods, so the index rather than the id is used to refer to child objects. These values are loaded from the parent object in stead of from the

You should use this trait in all admins that are managing entities that implement the EmbeddedVersionableInterface, e.g. as such:

class ContentItemDetailAdmin extends Admin
    use EmbeddedVersionableAdminTrait;
