
Zicht Messages bundle

8.0.0 2024-05-02 14:51 UTC


The ZichtMessagesBundle provides an Doctrine entity and admin screens for managing messages and have the database provide translations for message keys. Additionally, some console tools are available for your convenience.


The admin is based on the SonataAdminBundle.

Console tools

Some utility console tools are available.

  • zicht:messages:add adds a message to the database catalogue
  • zicht:messages:load loads a translation file into the database catalogue
  • zicht:messages:flush flushes Symfony's translation cache


  • Make sure the translations/ directory is present in your project.
    • Using translations is/seems to be dependent on the order of scanned directories. By using this directory we assure we are the last in line, overwriting templates with database.
  • Add the db file for each domain-locale combination, for instance: message.en.db
  • Add a translation via the CMS.
  • Clear the cache with php app/console cache:clear
  • All existing message states will be unknown, you need to update these once by running zicht:messages:load --sync

Configure manual cache clear

Edit your zicht_admin.yml and add:

            route: zicht_messages_rc_flush
            method: DELETE
            title: Clear translation cache
            button: Clear

Message state

The messages-bundle maintains a state for each message, this state can be either import, user, or unknown. You can configure z to import messages on every deploy by adding the following:

            - @messages.load_files

To ensure that the message state is properly updated, add the following to you z config:

    overwrite_compatibility: false

Automatic translation

Leverage the zicht:message:translate command with automatic translation through an API of choice. Kickstart the usage by using the provided Google Translate API.


composer require google/cloud-translate


Define the Google Translator as a service in your project. Your API key should be the private key from a service account (https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/basic/setup-basic)

    env(GOOGLE_API_KEY): '%kernel.root_dir%/config/your-google-api-key.json'
<service id="Zicht\Bundle\MessagesBundle\Translator\GoogleTranslator">
    <argument key="$googleTranslateServiceAccount">%env(json:file:resolve:GOOGLE_API_KEY)%</argument>

Add a CompilerPass to register a BatchTranslatorInterface on the MessageTranslator:

use Zicht\Bundle\MessagesBundle\Translator\GoogleTranslator;
use Zicht\Bundle\MessagesBundle\Translator\MessageTranslator;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        ->addMethodCall('setBatchTranslator', [new Reference(GoogleTranslator::class)]);


In this example we have copied a .nl.yaml to a es.yaml and we are informing the command that the sourcelanguage is nl and the targetlanguage should be es. As we have already renamed the file, only contents of this file will be rewritten.

php bin/console zicht:message:translate /dir/to/project/translations/validators.es.(yaml|xlf) --source=nl --target=es


The targetlanguage (--target=xx) is required for yaml as it cannot be autodiscovered. For xlf we use the target-language attribute inside the file, but can be forced by using the target-option as well.

Parameters in the translations are rewritten and not sent to the translation-api to prevent translating them. They should be in the format of %param%, !param or {param}.

If your file is in xliff, we only support 1.2.

If your file is in yaml, and has hierarchical contents, this will be lost and the file will be rewritten with single lines containing the full path to your translation.


        title: Abc


app.index.title: Abc
