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An ORM like package used to manipulate data from your Zoho CRM Account through the API.

1.6 2020-05-15 21:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 12:59:38 UTC


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Wabel's Zoho-CRM ORM

Heavily forked from mctekk's work

What is this?

This project is a PHP connector to Zoho CRM. Use this connector to access ZohoCRM data from your PHP application.

Who is it different from other connectors?

Unlike other Zoho CRM clients, the Zoho-CRM ORM uses a code generator to generate Beans and DAOs to easily access Zoho objects from PHP.

Beans and DAOs?

A small bit of code is better than a long phrase, here you go with a sample:

use \Wabel\Zoho\CRM\ZohoClient;

// The ZohoClient class is the low level class used to access Zoho.
$zohoClient = new ZohoClient($zohoAuthToken);

// Use the "DAO" class to write to some module of Zoho.
// Each module (even custom ones) has its own class.
$contactZohoDao = new ContactZohoDao($zohoClient);

// For each DAO, there is a bean associated.
$contact = new Contact();

// Use the "save" method to save the bean.

// Use the "searchRecords" method to fetch data from Zoho.
$records = $contactDao->searchRecords("(Last Name:FooBar)");
foreach ($records as $record) {
    // Each record is a "Contact" object.
    echo $record->getLastName();

What you must always remember:

  • Beans are used to map records in Zoho. There is one class per Zoho module
  • DAOs are used to send beans to Zoho. There is one DAO per Zoho module

But how do I generate Beans and DAOs?

There are several techniques.

Using pure PHP code:

use \Wabel\Zoho\CRM\ZohoClient;

// The ZohoClient class is the low level class used to access Zoho.
$zohoClient = new ZohoClient($zohoAuthToken);

// The EntitiesGeneratorService class is in charge of generating Beans and DAOs.
$entitiesGenerator = new EntitiesGeneratorService($client);

// The target directory we will write into.
$directory = __DIR__.'/src/TestNamespace/';
// The namespace for the beans and DAOs.
$namespace = 'TestNamespace';
// That returns an array containing each created Dao by using the fully qualified class name
$generator->generateAll($directory, $namespace);

Setting up unit tests

Interested in contributing? You can easily set up the unit tests environment:

  • copy the phpunit.xml.dist file into phpunit.xml
  • change the stored auth_token
  • run the tests: vendor/bin/phpunit


  • I'm saving a bean (using the save method of the DAO) and searching for it afterwards (using searchRecords). The bean is not returned.
    This is a Zoho issue. Zoho takes about one minute to index the records you insert. So you must wait about one minute before the Zoho bean you saved will be findable using the searchRecords method.