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Config abstraction for knp menu bundle

v1.0.2 2018-06-06 11:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 07:42:11 UTC


MillwrightMenuBundle extends base functionality of KnpMenuBundle and adds configuration, route, translation and security context support. Each link on the site is a part of configured menu container, which supports translation, role and acl-based security, route params.

Basic Docs


  1. It uses JMSSecurityExtraBundle annotations for configuring menu items visibility: role-based and acl-based security context support

  2. Menu options consist of two parts:

  • items describes each menu item: labels, route|uri, translate, role
  • tree describes each menu container as hierarchy of menu items
  1. items can be configured from config file and annotations in controller class and actions

  2. We can juggle any configured menu items in containers

  3. Menu twig helper supports route parameters, needed for changing menu items visibility on demand, based on acl

  4. Menu options merged from multiple sources: tree section of config, item section, @Menu annotations in action method, @Menu annotation in controller class


Step 1) Composer

Require the bundle through composer

composer require zerkalica/millwright-menu-bundle dev-master

Step 2) Register the bundle

To start using the bundle, register it in your Kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),
        new Millwright\MenuBundle\MillwrightMenuBundle(),
        new Millwright\ConfigurationBundle\MillwrightConfigurationBundle(),
    // ...

Step 3) Configure knp bundle

# app/config/config.yml
    - { resource: menu.yml }
    twig:  # use "twig: false" to disable the Twig extension and the TwigRenderer
        template: MillwrightMenuBundle:Default:knp_menu.html.twig

    templating: false # if true, enables the helper for PHP templates
    default_renderer: twig # The renderer to use, list is also available by default

Creating menus

Any bundle can provide own menu or modify existing through millwright_menu.menu_options tagged service:

        <service id="millwright_menu.options" class="%millwright_configuration.options.class%">
            <tag name="millwright_menu.menu_options" order="100"/>
            <argument type="collection">
                <argument key="items">%millwright_menu.items%</argument>
                <argument key="tree">%millwright_menu.tree%</argument>
                <argument key="renderers">%millwright_menu.renderers%</argument>

order attribute - order of provided menu. First parameter is the collection of menu options. By default one menu provided by MillwrightMenuBundle and configured in millwright_menu section of the application config.

# app/config/menu.yml

        navigation: #menu type id
            renderer: null # custom renderer
                template: MillwrightMenuBundle:Default:knp_menu.html.twig

    items: #menu items
        homepage: #menu name, used for route name, if it not set in options
            translateDomain: 'MillwrightMenuBundle'

            translateDomain: 'MillwrightMenuBundle'
            roles: ROLE_USER

            translateDomain: 'MillwrightMenuBundle'
            showNonAuthorized: true #show link in menu for non-authorized user
            roles: ROLE_USER

            translateDomain: 'FOSUserBundle'
            roles: ROLE_USER
            label: 'change_password.submit'
            translateDomain: 'FOSUserBundle'
            label: 'change_password.submit'
            uri: 'http://www.google.com'

    tree: #menu containers
        user_admin: #user administration links container
            type: navigation # menu type id
                fos_user_profile_show: ~
                fos_user_change_password: ~

        main: #main container
            type: navigation # menu type id
                homepage: ~
                test: ~
                fos_user_registration_register: ~
                        fos_user_change_password: ~

Using annotations

Items section can be configured from annotations:

# src/Application/Millwright/CoreBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
 * @Menu(translateDomain="MillwrightMenuBundle")
class DefaultController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/user/{user}", name="showUser")
     * @Template()
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_ADMIN")
     * @SecureParam(name="user", permissions="EDIT")
     * @Menu(showNonAuthorized=true, label="User edit")
    public function userAction(User $user) {
        return array('content' => 'hello');

Using menu in templates

millwright_menu_render supports additional route parameters, the other options are equivalent to knp_menu_render.

{{ millwright_menu_render('main', routeParams, options, renderer) }}

Simpe usage

{{ millwright_menu_render('main') }}


We have a user collection, each user has acl permissions

{% for user in users %}
    {{ millwright_menu_render('main', {user: user.id}) }}
{% endfor %}

Menu item options

# app/config/menu.yml

        <menu type>:
            renderer: null # custom renderer
            <item options>
            type: <menu type>
                <items hierarchy>

items section:

  • <key> - used as default value for name, route and label
  • uri - uri string, if no route parameter set
  • label - label text or translation string template
  • name - name of menu item, used as default for route
  • attributes - knp menu item options
  • linkAttributes- knp menu item options
  • childrenAttributes- knp menu item options
  • labelAttributes- knp menu item options
  • display- knp menu item options
  • displayChildren- knp menu item options
  • translateDomain - translation domain
  • translateParameters - translation parameters
  • secureParams - copy of @SecureParam JMSSecurityExtraBundle annotations
  • roles - copy of @Secure JMSSecurityExtraBundle annotation
  • route - route name for uri generation, if not set and uri not set - loads from key
  • routeAbsolute - true for absolute url generation
  • showNonAuthorized - show for non-authorized users
  • showAsText - if authorized and no access to item, show item as text
  • icon - icon class for menu item

tree section:

  • type - menu container type
  • children - submenu items

renderers section:

  • <menu type> - menu container type
  • renderer - custom renderer
  • rendererOptions - options pass to menu renderer: template, etc

Annotation options

@Menu annotation supports: label, translateDomain, translateParameters, name, showNonAuthorized, showAsText options.


//@todo sandbox

# src/Application/Millwright/CoreBundle/Controller/ArticleController.php
 * @Menu(translateDomain="MillwrightMenuBundle")
class ArticleController extends Controller
     * @Route("/articles", name="article_index")
     * @Template()
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
    public function indexAction() {

     * @Route("/article/create", name="article_create")
     * @Template()
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
     * @SecureParam(name="article", permissions="EDIT")
    public function createAction() {

     * @Route("/article/{article}", name="article_view")
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
     * @SecureParam(name="article", permissions="VIEW")
     * @Template()
    public function viewAction(Article $article) {
        return array('article' => $article);

     * @Route("/article/{article}/edit", name="article_edit")
     * @Template()
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
     * @SecureParam(name="article", permissions="EDIT")
    public function editAction(Article $article) {

     * @Route("/article/{article}/delete", name="article_delete")
     * @Template()
     * @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
     * @SecureParam(name="article", permissions="DELETE")
    public function deleteAction(Article $article) {

Menu file:

# app/config/menu.yml

            type: menu
                article_create: ~

            type: actions
                article_view: ~
                article_edit: ~
                article_delete: ~