
Kirby contentsync plugin

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Forks: 1

Open Issues: 1


2.1.0 2024-02-15 13:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 10:36:16 UTC



Tired of manual and cumbersome methods like git push/pull, scp, rsync, or sftp to synchronize content between your server and local development environment?
Embrace a seamless and efficient syncing solution with Contentsync.

This plugin requires Kirby 3/4, Kirby CLI and PHP 8 or higher to work.

Table of Contents

1. Installation

The recommended way of installing is by using Composer.

1.1 Composer

composer require zephir/kirby-contentsync

1.2 Download

Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/kirby-contentsync.

1.3 Git submodule

git submodule add https://github.com/zephir/kirby-contentsync.git site/plugins/kirby-contentsync

2. Setup

After installation, you simply have to configure the Options, deploy the updated site to the server, and use the Kirby command.

3. Options

Option Type Default Required Description
source string null Source of the content, normally the staging/prod server. URL of the host (e.g. https://getkirby.com)
token string null The authentication token, make sure this token is not accessible by the public. Either use an env file/variable or use a private git repository.
enabledRoots array see below Which roots should be synchronized by the plugin. You can see all available roots here.

3.1 enabledRoots

To support different types of folder structures we use the kirby()->roots() function (hence the name of the option). The plugin supports synchronizing all Kirby root paths. By default, the plugin is configured to sync the accounts and content roots.

    'accounts' => true,
    'content' => true

3.2 Example config entry

'zephir.contentsync' => [
    'source' => 'https://getkirby.com',
    'token' => 'abc123',
    'enabledRoots' => [
        'license' => true // also sync license

4. Usage

Kirby CLI Command:

kirby content:sync

With verbose logging:

kirby content:sync -v

5. How does it work?

The plugin creates 2 endpoints (routes):

  1. /contentsync/files: Returns a list of all files in the enabled roots.
  2. /contentsync/file/:fileId: Returns the contents of the requested file.

If you don't set up a token the endpoints won't work.

Each file returned by files has an ID (sha1 hash of root name + path), a path (relative to Kirby root), a Kirby root name, and a checksum of the file contents.

The plugin compares the retrieved file list with a file list of local files. It automatically deletes local files that aren't in the server list, creates the ones that aren't local but in the server list, and updates the ones with different checksums.

It doesn't sync files that haven't changed.

6. Caveats

  1. Since we download each file individually, it is possible that a WAF / Firewall will block the requests. You can add an exception for the endpoints.
  2. Generating the checksum can put a bit of load on the server, especially for large files. But for "normal" websites it should be fine - even if you have several gigabytes of data / many files.
  3. Because we serve all files through PHP and a web endpoint, downloads of large files (200MB+) may be stopped by the server hoster (especially with shared hosting).


