
Recursively finds and validates SQL dump (.sql.gz) files inside a directory.

v0.1.4 2024-02-29 11:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 12:33:29 UTC



This package provides a Laravel command and a service to validate SQL dump files for corruption. It uses the gunzip -t command to test the integrity of .sql.gz files.


Use composer to install the package:

composer require zenoware/laravel-sql-dump-validator


The package requires the gunzip command to be installed on your system. The command is used to test the integrity of .sql.gz files.



You can use the provided command to validate SQL dump files. The command accepts a path and an optional depth parameter.

php artisan zenoware:sqldump:validate {path} {--depth=2}

Validating SQL dump files in the storage/app/sqldumps directory:

php artisan zenoware:sqldump:validate storage/app/sqldumps

Validating SQL dump files in the storage/app/sqldumps directory with a maximum depth of 3:

php artisan zenoware:sqldump:validate storage/app/sqldumps --depth=3

The path argument is the directory where your SQL dump files are located. The --depth option is the maximum directory depth for the file search.

The command will print the validation results to the console. If a file is corrupted, it will print an error message with the file path and the error details.

On Routes and Jobs

Since the command uses SqlDumpValidatorService under the hood, you can also listen to events to handle the validation results by just running the command from within a job or a route.

# Be wary of timeouts when calling the command from a route or a job
Artisan::call('zenoware:sqldump:validate', ['path' => storage_path('app/sqldumps')]);


You can also use the SqlDumpValidatorService directly in your code. The service accepts a path, a depth, and a callback function.

$validatorService->validateSqlDumps($path, $depth, function (SqlDumpFileMetadata $metadata, array $errors) {
    // Handle the validation results

The callback function is called for each file processed. It receives a SqlDumpFileMetadata object and an array of errors. If the file is OK, the errors array is empty.

Service Provider

The package includes a service provider that registers the SqlDumpValidatorService and the IFileAdapter interface with the Laravel service container.

If you want to use a different file adapter, you can bind your own implementation to the IFileAdapter interface in your own service provider.

Listening to Events

The service used by the command fires an event for each file processed. You can listen/subscribe to events to handle the validation results.

class SqlDumpEventSubscriber
    public function subscribe($events)
            function ($event) {
                Log::info('SqlDumpFileOk event fired', ['metadata' => $event->metadata]);

            function ($event) {
                Log::info('SqlDumpFileCorrupted event fired', ['metadata' => $event->metadata, 'errors' => $event->errors]);
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    // [...]

    protected $subscribe = [

    // [...]


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
