
Laravel-Plus is an efficient Laravel extension package designed to enhance development productivity. It integrates powerful annotation handling and practical helper classes, making the development of Laravel applications more convenient and flexible.

v0.3.36 2024-05-02 17:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-02 17:39:41 UTC


Laravel-Plus is an efficient Laravel extension package designed to enhance development productivity. It integrates powerful annotation handling and practical helper classes, making the development of Laravel applications more convenient and flexible.

This project is currently under development. Please be cautious when using it in a production environment.

Easy Router

We can use annotations to register routes. For example:

use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Attributes\Routes\GetMapping;
use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Attributes\Routes\Prefix;

#[Prefix(value: '/api')]
class Controller
    #[GetMapping(path: '/greeting')]
    public function greeting() {}

Then, register the route in files such as web.php or api.php:

use Zenith\LaravelPlus\EasyRouter;


Easy Docs

Currently, we support using VitePress to build API documentation. You simply need to create a VitePress-based project in the root directory of your project and name it docs. For how to create the project, you can refer to its official documentation.

Then, you just need to register the documentation-related commands in the project, by editing App\Providers\AppService\Provider.php, as follows:

use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Commands\DocsRun;
use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Commands\DocsBuild;

public function boot(): void
    if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {

You can generate API documentation based on the annotations we provide:

php artisan docs:build
php artisan docs:run


We provide implementations of some useful middleware, such as #[RequestBody]. An example is as follows:

use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Attributes\Requests\RequestBody;
use Zenith\LaravelPlus\Bean;

class RegisterParams extends Bean
    protected string $username;
    protected string $password;
    public function getUsername(): string
        return $this->username; 
class Controller
    public function register(#[RequestBody] RegisterParams $params)