
0.10.30 2024-04-26 21:11 UTC


This package contains base Laravel Eloquent models and controllers that contain all the functionality you'll need for CRUD operations. Making Laravel development a more "Tranquil" experience.

Requires Laravel 10


Require it with composer

composer require zealous-creations/tranquil-model-controller

NOTE: If you have installed inertiajs/inertia-laravel lower than v0.6 or doctrine/dbal lower than v3.0 then you may need to remove them before requiring zealous-creations/tranquil-model-controller

composer remove inertiajs/inertia-laravel
composer remove doctrine/dbal
composer require zealous-creations/tranquil-model-controller

Publish migrations

There are 2 migrations in this package for creating a users table and an attachments table

If you want to modify these migrations be for running them, then run this artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tranquil-model-migrations


Tranquil Controller

The Tranquil Controller takes care of all the methods of a standard Laravel controller: index, create, show, edit, store, and destroy

For any of your model controllers all you have to do is extend TranquilController

class CarController extends TranquilController {}

Then all you need to do is add the resource routes for the model.

// routes/web.php

Route::resource('cars', CarController::class);

Now all of the endpoints for the resource routes will automatically work - without having to add any methods to your controller.

GET|HEAD  cars .................. cars.index › CarController@index
POST      cars .................. cars.store › CarController@store
GET|HEAD  cars/create ......... cars.create › CarController@create
GET|HEAD  cars/{car} .............. cars.show › CarController@show
PUT|PATCH cars/{car} .......... cars.update › CarController@update
DELETE    cars/{car} ........ cars.destroy › CarController@destroy
GET|HEAD  cars/{car}/edit ......... cars.edit › CarController@edit

Show Endpoint Example

GET /cars/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "car": {
    "id": 1,
    "make": "Audi",
    "model": "A3",
    "year": 2016

Update Endpoint Example

PATCH /cars/1 PAYLOAD {"year": 2024}

This will update year column of the cars record that has the id of 1 - As long as the year is included in the $fillable model parameter.

Or if you have the model extend TranquilModel

class Car extends TranquilModel {

Store Endpoint Example

POST /cars PAYLOAD {"make": "Tesla", "model": "Model S", year": 2024}

This will create a new record in the cars table. You can have automatic input validation if the model extends TranquilModel or uses the HasValidation trait.

class Car extends Model {
    use HasValidation;

List Endpoint

There is also a list route endpoint you can add for fetching a list of records for the model

// routes/web.php

Route::post('cars/list', [CarController::class, 'list'])->name('cars.list');


POST /cars/list PAYLOAD {"where": {"make": "Buick"}}

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "total": 4,
  "records": [
      "id": 108,
      "make": "Buick",
      "model": "Enclave",
      "year": 2016
      "id": 109,
      "make": "Buick",
      "model": "Encore GX",
      "year": 2016
      "id": 110,
      "make": "Buick",
      "model": "Envision",
      "year": 2016
      "id": 111,
      "make": "Buick",
      "model": "Envista",
      "year": 2016

Tranquil Inertia Controller

You can return Inertia responses for all the standard controller methods by extending the TranquilInertiaController

class CarController extends TranquilInertiaController {}

Now all of the endpoints will return an Inertia response to the corresponding component path.

/cars .............. resources/js/Pages/Cars/Index
/cars/create ....... resources/js/Pages/Cars/CreateEdit
/cars/{car} ........ resources/js/Pages/Cars/Show
/cars/{car}/edit ... resources/js/Pages/Cars/CreateEdit

User Model

This package also comes with a TranquilUser model that is for the authenticated user.

You can extend this model to modify it:

class User extends \Tranquil\Models\TranquilUser {
    public const roleOptions = [
			'handle'      => 'super',
			'name'        => 'Super User',
			'description' => 'Has full access',
			'handle'      => 'leader',
			'name'        => 'Leader',
			'description' => 'Has administrator access',
			'handle'      => 'staff',
			'name'        => 'Staff',
			'description' => 'Has basic access',