
Redis content management system for laravel application

Installs: 163

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 4



0.1.1 2022-11-18 15:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 20:34:43 UTC


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Redis UI for Laravel

When we are dealing with redis database, we often need to install a different application for a user interface to view or maybe manipulate the data, say for testing purposes.

This package will provide an interface for user to management the redis database with their Laravel application. The features included in this package are:

  • Select a database connection on your Redis server
  • Search/Filter by:
    • Key
    • Content/ Value
  • Reset filter
  • Pagination on results
  • Create a new record (key + content)
  • Edit an existing record (content only)
  • Delete an existing record


  • PHP 7.0+
  • Redis Server, which configured in you laravel application
  • Laravel 5.3+
  • Vuejs 2.0+
  • Vuex 2.0+


First we need to install Vuex

Vuejs CDN has been included to the default template. But Vuex are not. So you might want to install Vuex first on your machine.

npm install vuex --save

Or otherwise, you can modify the default template to include the CDN for Vuex.

<script src="/path/to/vuex.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/vuex.js@2.0.0"></script>

Add and install the package with the follow command to your laravel application

composer require zavrik/laravel-redis-ui

Update the config/app.php file to include the following line in 'providers' section


At last make sure you publish the resources to your public folder

php artisan vendor:publish

Thats should be all. Happy coding!

Sandbox/ Demo

laravel-redis-ui Demo