
A package to notify users of security changes

v1.2.0 2024-05-07 15:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 15:50:57 UTC


Tests MIT Licensed

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Laravel Security Notifications

This package adds an out-of-the-box, fully customizable solution for sending security notifications to users when their account is updated or accessed from a new device.


composer require zaengle/laravel-security-notifications




Publish Configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Providers\PackageServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Use Trait

In order to send security notifications, you'll need to add the Securable trait to your user model. Additionally, you'll want to make sure you are using Laravel's Notifiable trait.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Traits\Securable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Securable, Notifiable;

Basic Usage

Securing Fields

The Securable trait watches your user model for updates to the specified secure fields. By default, the secure fields are email, username, and password. If any of these fields are updated, a security notification will be sent to the user. The original email address will be notified in the event that the email field is updated.

You may customize the secure fields by overriding the getSecureFields method on your user model.

public function getSecureFields(): array
    return [

Securing Logins

The Securable trait also provides a logins relationship that can be used to track user logins. This relationship tracks all IP addresses that have logged into the user's account. In order to set up secure logins, you'll need to publish and run the migration included in the package to set up a logins table. This table name is configurable in the published security-notifications.php config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Providers\PackageServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

php artisan migrate

You can use the IPAddress facade to track user logins in your existing login controller. If the given IP address has already been used, it will update the login record with the login time. If the IP address is new, it will create a new login record and send a notification to the user.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Facades\IPAddress;

class LoginController extends Controller
    public function login(Request $request)
        // Your existing login logic
            'ipAddress' => $request->ip(),
            'userId' => auth()->id(),
            'userType' => auth()->user()->getMorphClass(),
        // return

Disable Notifications

If you would like to disable sending notifications you can set the following config value:

'send_notifications' => false

Customizing Notification Templates

Custom Email Templates

The package provides email notification templates out-of-the-box. However, if you would like to customize these templates to match your system, you may publish the views to your application and override them.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Providers\PackageServiceProvider" --tag="views"

They will be available under resources/views/vendor/security-notifications.

There are two views that can be customized. Each with access to specific data:

  • security-alert.blade.php
    • Has access to a $fields array which contains the fields that were updated. It also has access to the $updated_at variable which is a Carbon instance of when the fields were updated.
  • login-from-new-ip.blade.php
    • Has access to a $login variable which is an instance of the Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Models\Login model.

Custom Notification Classes

If you would like to further customize the notifications, you can configure the notification classes in the security-notifications.php config file.

'notifications' => [
    'secure_login' => \Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Notifications\LoginFromNewIP::class,
    'secure_fields' => \Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Notifications\SecureFieldsUpdated::class,

Customizing Email Address

By default, this package assumes that the user model has an email attribute. If you would like to customize the email address that notifications are sent to, you can override the sendSecurityEmailsTo method on the models that utilize the Securable trait.

public function sendSecurityEmailsTo(): string
    return $this->getOriginal('alternate_email') ?? $this->alternate_email;

Custom IP Address Driver

If you would like to have full control over IP address and login handling, you can create a custom driver by implementing the Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Services\DigestIPAddress interface like the example below.


use Zaengle\LaravelSecurityNotifications\Services\DigestIPAddress;

readonly class CustomIPAddressDriver implements DigestIPAddress
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $ipAddress,
        private readonly string $customField,

    public function handle(): void
        // Custom logic to handle IP address

Be sure to update the ip_address_driver config value to point to your custom driver.

'ip_address_driver' => \Path\To\CustomIPAddressDriver::class,

This will tell the IPAddress facade to use your custom driver. Simply pass an array of data to IPAddress::process() matching your __construct definition.

    'ipAddress' => $request->ip(),
    'customField' => 'customValue',


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
