
Make models with no schema

dev-master 2019-03-04 20:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-05 18:38:14 UTC


Create and prototype with models without needing to create migrations and alterations to a database schema.


When quickly prototyping an API or web app, you will be constantly adding and altering table columns and relationships to your model. With Schemaless, you can simply create models and extend the ZablockiBros\Models\Item model and define $extraAttributes. Create records, set attributes, fill records all the ways you normally would in Laravel.


Requirements: This package requires PHP 7.1.3 or higher and Laravel 5.7

  1. Install the package via Composer:

    $ composer require zablockibros/laravel-schemaless

    The package will automatically register its service provider.

  2. Publish the package:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ZablockiBros\Schemaless\SchemalessServiceProvider"
  3. Run migrations:

    php artisan migrate

Configuring Your Models

You can use schemaless attributes and relationships using your own tables or the migration-provided items tables and the base Item model class.

Using Item Base Model

  1. Create your model:

    php artisan make:model Models/YourModel
  2. Extend the ZablockiBros\Models\Item class:

    class YourModel extends \ZablockiBros\Models\Item
  3. Define your schemaless attributes:

    namespace App\Models;
    use ZablockiBros\Schemaless\Models\Item;
    class YourModel extends Item
         * @var array
        protected $extraAttributes = [
           'name'    => null, // attribute 'name' with default null
           'options' => null,
           'qty'     => 0,
         * @var array
        protected $casts = [
           'options' => 'array',

Using Your Own Table

You are able to use your own existing tables and models with schemaless attributes, relationships, and tables.

Schemaless provides three core traits:

  • HasSchemalessAttributes, HasSchemalessRelationships, and HasSchemalessTable.

To setup your model:

  1. Create your table and model (only create a new table if you are NOT using HasSchemalessTable).
  2. Add the desired traits to your model.
  3. Configure your $extraAttributes and relations as described above.


  • If you are using HasSchemalessAttributes, make sure your table has a json type column named columns. If you want to name it something else, override the column name with the following method on your model:
     * @return string
    protected function getExtraAttributesColumnName()
        return 'my_columns';
  • If you are using HasSchemalessRelations, make sure your table has a morphs column called itemable (or your own name). If you use a different morph name, override the following on your model:
     * @return string
    public function getItemMorphColumnName()
        return 'itemable';
  • If you are using the HasSchemalessTable trait, you must use the items table for your schemaless model.

Accessing Attributes

You can access attributes the same way you normally would with an Eloquent model:

$yourModel->name; // 'test'

Saving Attributes

Save attributes the same way as well:

    'name' => 'test',
    'name' => 'test',
    'name' => 'test',
        'name' => 'test',
$yourModel->name = 'test';


In progress

Note: Querying Attributes

Schemaless attributes need to be queried at the json column in the models table (items in the case where the model extends Item).

YourModel::where('columns->name', 'test');

Copyright and License

MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Justin Zablocki