yuramozol / com.docstudio.api.php-client
DocStudio API Client
2025-03-01 03:25 UTC
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.7 || ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 03:27:47 UTC
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Generator version:
- Generator version:
- Build package:
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, do the following:
composer require yuramozol/com.docstudio.api.php-client
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); use DocStudio\Client\Configuration; use DocStudio\Client\Model\LoginDTO; use DocStudio\Client\Model\QuickSendDTO; use DocStudio\Client\Model\QuickSendRecipientDTO; use DocStudio\Client\Api\EnvelopeControllerApi; use DocStudio\Client\Api\AuthenticationControllerApi; $httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'timeout' => 30, 'connect_timeout' => 30, 'read_timeout' => 30 ] ); $username = 'user@domain.com'; $password = 'password'; $loginController = new AuthenticationControllerApi($httpClient); $token = $loginController->login((new LoginDTO())->setLogin($username)->setPassword($password))->getToken(); echo 'Token: ' . $token . PHP_EOL; $configuration = new Configuration(); $configuration->setUserAgent('Demo integration')->setAccessToken($token); $configuration->setDebug(true); $configuration->setDebugFile(__DIR__ . '/debug.log'); $mailboxController = new DocStudio\Client\Api\MailboxControllerApi($httpClient, $configuration); $mailboxUuid = $mailboxController->getAllForUser()[0]->getMailboxUuid(); $envelopeController = new EnvelopeControllerApi($httpClient, $configuration); $quickSendRequest = new QuickSendDTO(); $quickSendRequest->setSubject('Test envelope')->setMessage('Test envelope message'); $sender = new QuickSendRecipientDTO(); $recipients = []; $sender->setRecipient($mailboxUuid)->setSigner(true)->setEInkSignature(true); $recipients[] = $sender; $recipient = new QuickSendRecipientDTO(); $recipient->setRecipient('wife@family.com')->setSigner(true)->setEInkSignature(true); $recipients[] = $recipient; $quickSendRequest->setRecipients($recipients); $uuid = $envelopeController->quickSendExternalDocuments($mailboxUuid, [new SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/singlepage.pdf')], $quickSendRequest); echo $uuid->getUuid() . PHP_EOL;
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.docstudio.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountBillingControllerApi | checkEventAbility | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/check/{type}/{action} | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | downloadInvoice | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/invoice/{invoiceId}/pdf | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getAccount | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/billing | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getAccountBillingStateHeader | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/billing-state | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getCurrencyRates | GET /api/v1/account/currency-rates | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getInvoiceStatus | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/invoice-status/{invoiceId} | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getInvoices | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/invoice | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getPaymentMethodInfo | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/payment-method | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getPaymentMethodInitKey | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/payment-method-init | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | getTariffs | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/tariff | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | makeInvoicePayment | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/billing-payment | |
AccountBillingControllerApi | replaceAccountTariff | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/tariff | |
AccountControllerApi | addNewCryptoConfigs | PUT /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/crypto-configs | Add crypto configs |
AccountControllerApi | blockUsers | PATCH /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/block-users/{flag} | Block/Unblock corporate users |
AccountControllerApi | createAccount | POST /api/v1/account | Create account and mailbox(es) under this account. User will be assigned with default system roles for this account and mailbox(es). |
AccountControllerApi | createCorporateUser | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/user | Create corporate user |
AccountControllerApi | createMassAccountUsers | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/create-users | Mass create corporate users |
AccountControllerApi | deleteAccount | DELETE /api/v1/account/{uuid} | Delete account |
AccountControllerApi | deleteCorporateUsers | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/user | Delete corporate users |
AccountControllerApi | deleteCryptoConfigs | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/crypto-configs | Delete crypto configs |
AccountControllerApi | getAccountBillingAddress | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/billing/address | Get account billing address |
AccountControllerApi | getAccountBrandLogo | GET /api/v1/account/brand-logo/{accountUuid} | Retrieve account brand logo |
AccountControllerApi | getAccountDetails | GET /api/v1/account/{uuid} | |
AccountControllerApi | getAccountLogoAccount | GET /api/v1/account/logo/{accountUuid} | Retrieve account logo |
AccountControllerApi | getAccountUsersImportFileExample | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/users/example | Get account users import file example |
AccountControllerApi | getCryptoConfigs | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/crypto-configs | Get crypto configs |
AccountControllerApi | getMailbox | GET /api/v1/account/mailbox/{uuid} | Users and their permissions by mailbox |
AccountControllerApi | getUserPolicies | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/user-policies | Get user password/session policies |
AccountControllerApi | getUsersPermissions | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/users | Get users with permissions per account and mailboxes |
AccountControllerApi | mailboxesReport | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox/report | Generate account mailboxes report |
AccountControllerApi | resendCorporateUserWelcomeMessage | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/user/{userUuid}/welcome | Resend corporate user welcome message |
AccountControllerApi | saveUserPolicies | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/user-policies | Save user password/session policies |
AccountControllerApi | searchMailboxesAccount | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox | Get paged account mailboxes list |
AccountControllerApi | updateAccountBillingAddress | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/billing/address | Create/update account billing address |
AccountControllerApi | updateAccountDetails | PUT /api/v1/account/{uuid} | |
AccountControllerApi | usersReport | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/users/report | Generate account users report |
AccountDomainControllerApi | actionAccountDomain | PATCH /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain/{domainUuid}/{action} | Change account domain status |
AccountDomainControllerApi | createAccountDomain | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain | Create account domain |
AccountDomainControllerApi | createAccountSsoIdp | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/idp | Create account SSO Identity Provider |
AccountDomainControllerApi | deleteAccountDomain | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain/{domainUuid} | Delete account domain |
AccountDomainControllerApi | deleteAccountIdp | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/idp/{idpUuid} | Delete account SSO IdP |
AccountDomainControllerApi | getAccountDomain | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain/{domainUuid} | Get account domain |
AccountDomainControllerApi | getAccountDomains | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain | Get paged account domains list |
AccountDomainControllerApi | getAccountIdp | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/idp/{idpUuid} | Get account SSO IdP |
AccountDomainControllerApi | getAllAccountIdps | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/idp | Get all account SSO IdPs |
AccountDomainControllerApi | updateAccountDomain | PUT /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/domain/{domainUuid} | Update account domain |
AccountDomainControllerApi | updateAccountSsoIdp | PUT /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/idp/{idpUuid} | Update account SSO Identity Provider |
AliasControllerApi | createAlias | POST /api/v1/alias | Save alias to mailbox |
AliasControllerApi | deleteAlias | DELETE /api/v1/alias | Delete alias |
AliasControllerApi | getAllByMailbox | GET /api/v1/alias/qualifiedID/{id} | Get mailbox UUID by qualified ID |
AliasControllerApi | getAllByMailboxAlias | GET /api/v1/alias/mailbox | Get aliases by mailbox |
ApplicationTokenControllerApi | createToken | POST /api/v1/token | Create application token |
ApplicationTokenControllerApi | getUserTokens | GET /api/v1/token | List application tokens |
ApplicationTokenControllerApi | revokeToken | DELETE /api/v1/token/{id} | Revoke application token |
ApprovalFlowControllerApi | createApprovalFlow | POST /api/v1/approvalFlow | Create approval flow |
ApprovalFlowControllerApi | deleteApprovalFlow | DELETE /api/v1/approvalFlow | Delete approval flows |
ApprovalFlowControllerApi | retrieve | GET /api/v1/approvalFlow/{flowUuid} | Retrieve approval flow |
ApprovalFlowControllerApi | search | GET /api/v1/approvalFlow | Retrieve approval flows |
ApprovalFlowControllerApi | updateApprovalFlow | PUT /api/v1/approvalFlow/{flowUuid} | Update approval flow |
AuditTrailControllerApi | addAuditTrailRecord | PUT /api/v1/audittrail/envelope/{uuid} | |
AuditTrailControllerApi | generateAuditTrailPdf | GET /api/v1/audittrail/pdf/{uuid} | Download audit trail pdf for envelope |
AuditTrailControllerApi | getAuditTrailByEnvelope | GET /api/v1/audittrail/envelope/{uuid} | |
AuthenticationControllerApi | login | POST /api/login | Login with email/password |
AuthenticationControllerApi | loginByCode | POST /api/login/by-code | Login with the code from email (for non-existing user) |
AuthenticationControllerApi | logout | POST /api/logout | Logout |
AuthenticationControllerApi | userExistsByCode | GET /api/login/check-by-code/{code} | Check login ability with the code from email (for non-existing user) |
CategoryControllerApi | createCategory | POST /api/v1/category | Save a category in DB |
CategoryControllerApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /api/v1/category/{id} | Delete category by Id |
CategoryControllerApi | getAllByType | GET /api/v1/category/{access} | Retrieve all categories by id of specified 'access' type |
CategoryControllerApi | updateCategory | PUT /api/v1/category/{id} | Update the category in DB |
ContactControllerApi | createContact | POST /api/v1/contact | Save a contact in DB |
ContactControllerApi | deleteContact | DELETE /api/v1/contact/{uuid} | Delete contact by Id |
ContactControllerApi | searchOrList | GET /api/v1/contact/list | Retrieve all contacts by id of specified 'access' type and name |
ContactControllerApi | updateContact | PUT /api/v1/contact/{uuid} | Update the contact in DB |
DictionaryControllerApi | archiveDictionary | PATCH /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/archive | Archive dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | checkColumnValues | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/column/{columnUuid}/check | Check dictionary column. Check access, existence, etc. |
DictionaryControllerApi | checkDictionary | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/check | Check dictionary. Check access, existence, etc. |
DictionaryControllerApi | createColumn | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/column | Create dictionary column |
DictionaryControllerApi | createDictionary | POST /api/v1/dictionary | Create empty dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | createRecord | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record | Create record(s) |
DictionaryControllerApi | deleteColumnDictionary | DELETE /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/column/{columnUuid} | Delete column. Will return deleted column UUID |
DictionaryControllerApi | deleteRecords | DELETE /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record | Delete record(s). Will return deleted records UUID(s) |
DictionaryControllerApi | download | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/download | Download the dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | downloadStatus | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/download/status/{taskUuid} | Download the dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | getColumnValue | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record/{recordUuid}/column/{columnUuid} | Retrieve column value for specific record |
DictionaryControllerApi | getColumnValues | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/column/{columnUuid} | Retrieve column values from dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | getDictionaryRecord | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record/{recordUuid} | Retrieve record |
DictionaryControllerApi | getDictionaryRecordUuids | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record-uuids | Get dictionary record uuids by values |
DictionaryControllerApi | getDictionaryRecords | POST /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/records | Get dictionary records |
DictionaryControllerApi | patchDictionary | PATCH /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid} | Update dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | patchRecord | PATCH /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/record/{recordUuid} | Update record column values |
DictionaryControllerApi | readDictionary | GET /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid} | Read/get dictionary |
DictionaryControllerApi | searchDictionaries | GET /api/v1/dictionary | Get paged dictionary list |
DictionaryControllerApi | updateColumnDictionary | PUT /api/v1/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid}/column/{columnUuid} | Update dictionary column |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | checkCallback | GET /api/v1/envelope/callback/{callbackUuid}/check | Check callback with certain envelope |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | createCallback | POST /api/v1/envelope/callback/add | Add new callback |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | getCallbackRequestPayload | GET /api/v1/envelope/callback/callbackRequestPayload | Check CallbackEnvelopeDataDTO as an example of callback payload |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | listCallbacks | GET /api/v1/envelope/callback/list | List callbacks |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | removeCallback | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/callback/{callbackUuid}/remove | Delete callback |
EnvelopeCallbackControllerApi | sendCallback | GET /api/v1/envelope/callback/{callbackUuid}/send | Send callback with certain envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | acceptUserPendingInvitations | POST /api/v1/envelope/invitations | Accept user's pending invitations |
EnvelopeControllerApi | addEnvelopesIntoChain | PUT /api/v1/envelope/chain/{chainUuid} | Add envelopes into chain |
EnvelopeControllerApi | approve | POST /api/v1/envelope/approve | Approve envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | archive | PATCH /api/v1/envelope/archive/{flag} | Archive envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | cancelApprovalFlow | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/approval/{flowUuid} | Cancel envelope approval |
EnvelopeControllerApi | cancelEnvelopeDelegation | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/delegate | Cancel envelope delegation |
EnvelopeControllerApi | cancelEnvelopes | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/cancel | Cancel envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | check | POST /api/v1/envelope/check | Check an envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | checkEnvelopeHasActiveRole | HEAD /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/has-active-role | Check envelope has active role |
EnvelopeControllerApi | checkUserHasInvitations | HEAD /api/v1/envelope/invitations | Check user has pending invitations |
EnvelopeControllerApi | cloneAttachment | POST /api/v1/envelope/clone-attachment | Clone an existing attachment |
EnvelopeControllerApi | confirmInvite | POST /api/v1/envelope/confirm-invite | Accept/confirm invitations |
EnvelopeControllerApi | continueScenarioStep | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/scenario/{stepId} | Continue scenario flow with step |
EnvelopeControllerApi | create | POST /api/v1/envelope | Create draft envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | createAttachment | POST /api/v1/envelope/attachment | Create/upload new attachment |
EnvelopeControllerApi | createEnvelopeComment | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/comment | Create envelope comment thread |
EnvelopeControllerApi | createPdfAttachment | POST /api/v1/envelope/pdf-attachment | Create/upload new PDF attachment |
EnvelopeControllerApi | delegateEnvelopes | POST /api/v1/envelope/delegate | Delegate envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | deleteDrafts | DELETE /api/v1/envelope | Delete draft envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | deleteEnvelopeComment | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/comment | Delete envelope comment in thread or the whole thread |
EnvelopeControllerApi | downloadEnvelopeAttachment | GET /api/v1/envelope/attachment | Download attachment with specific type or raw |
EnvelopeControllerApi | downloadFinalPdf | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/download-final-pdf | Download final PDF |
EnvelopeControllerApi | downloadSharedAttachment | GET /api/v1/envelope/shared-attachment | Download shared attachment for specific provider |
EnvelopeControllerApi | envelopeApproval | PUT /api/v1/envelope/approval | Approve or Reject envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | envelopeApprovalHistory | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/approval-history | Get approval history |
EnvelopeControllerApi | fill | PUT /api/v1/envelope/fill | Fill envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | generateStamp | POST /api/v1/envelope/generate-stamp | Generate stamp by certificate |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getActiveRoles | GET /api/v1/envelope/{uuid}/activeRoles | Get active roles by Envelope UUID |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getApprovalFlow | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/approval/{flowUuid} | Get envelope approval |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getAttachmentPageSizes | GET /api/v1/envelope/attachment/page-sizes | Get attachment page sizes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getChainEnvelopes | GET /api/v1/envelope/chain/{chainUuid} | Get chain envelopes list |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getDocumentFileForSign | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/for-sign-file | Get BINARY or XML for signing |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getDocumentForSign | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/for-single-sign | BINARY and XML for signing |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getDocumentPrintVersion | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/for-print | Get document PDF for printing |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getDocumentsForSign | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/for-sign | BINARYs and XMLs for signing |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeByUuid | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid} | Retrieve envelope by UUID |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeComments | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/comment | Get envelope comments for each document |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeInviteAuthorized | GET /api/v1/envelope/invite-authorized-info | Get information about envelope by the invitation code (by already registered user) |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeInviteUnauthorized | GET /api/v1/envelope/invite-info | Get information about envelope by the invitation code (by unauthenticated user) |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeSharedZip | GET /api/v1/envelope/download-shared | Get shared zip archive |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getEnvelopeZip | GET /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/zip | Get envelope or document zip archive |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getMassSigningReport | GET /api/v1/envelope/signing-report/{sessionId} | Get mass signing report |
EnvelopeControllerApi | getUserPendingInvitations | GET /api/v1/envelope/invitations | Get user's pending invitations |
EnvelopeControllerApi | mergeEnvelopesIntoChain | POST /api/v1/envelope/chain | Merge envelopes into chain |
EnvelopeControllerApi | oneTimeSend | POST /api/v1/envelope/one-time-send | The envelope will be sent just once (template will be marked as deleted) |
EnvelopeControllerApi | quickSendExternalDocuments | POST /api/v1/envelope/quick-send | Quick send envelope with external documents only |
EnvelopeControllerApi | recycleBin | PATCH /api/v1/envelope/recycle-bin/{flag} | Archive envelopes |
EnvelopeControllerApi | removeEnvelopeFromChain | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/chain | Remove envelope from chain |
EnvelopeControllerApi | resendNotifications | POST /api/v1/envelope/notify | Resend notifications for active roles |
EnvelopeControllerApi | resolvedEnvelopeComment | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/resolve-comment | Set Resolved Flag for comment thread |
EnvelopeControllerApi | revokeEnvelopeSharing | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/share-copy | Revoke sharing an envelope copy |
EnvelopeControllerApi | send | POST /api/v1/envelope/send | Send envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | sendByTemplateCode | POST /api/v1/envelope/send-by-share-code | Send envelope by template code |
EnvelopeControllerApi | sendForApproval | PUT /api/v1/envelope/send-for-approval | Send envelope for approval |
EnvelopeControllerApi | shareEnvelopesByEmail | POST /api/v1/envelope/share-archive | Share envelopes by email |
EnvelopeControllerApi | shareEnvelopesCopy | POST /api/v1/envelope/share-copy | Share envelopes copies |
EnvelopeControllerApi | sign | PUT /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/sign | Sign envelope documents |
EnvelopeControllerApi | signSES | POST /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/sign-ses | Sign envelope with SES |
EnvelopeControllerApi | updateEnvelope | PUT /api/v1/envelope | Update draft envelope |
EnvelopeControllerApi | updateEnvelopeComment | PUT /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/comment | Add/Update envelope comment in thread |
EnvelopeControllerApi | updateEnvelopeCommentAccess | PUT /api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/comment-access | Update envelope comment thread access level |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | addNewColumn | POST /api/v1/envelope/column | Add a new column to display |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | createReport | POST /api/v1/envelope/report | Request envelopes report |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | deleteColumn | DELETE /api/v1/envelope/column | Delete columns from displaying |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | getMailboxFolders | POST /api/v1/envelope/mailbox-folders | Retrieve all available folders for mailbox |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | getSearchFields | POST /api/v1/envelope/fields | Get search fields |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | getTemplateRoles | POST /api/v1/envelope/search/roles | Retrieve all template roles |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | resetColumnSettings | POST /api/v1/envelope/column-reset | Reset column settings |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | searchEnvelopes | POST /api/v1/envelope/search | Search envelopes |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | searchEnvelopesForApproval | POST /api/v1/envelope/search-approvals | Search envelopes for approval |
EnvelopeSearchControllerApi | updateColumn | PUT /api/v1/envelope/column/{uuid} | Update column to display |
ExternalLinkControllerApi | createExternalLink | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/external-link | Create external link |
ExternalLinkControllerApi | deleteExternalLink | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/external-link/{linkUuid} | Delete external link |
ExternalLinkControllerApi | getAccountExternalLinks | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/external-link | Get account external links |
ExternalLinkControllerApi | getMailboxList | GET /api/v1/external-link | Get mailbox visible link list |
ExternalLinkControllerApi | updateExternalLink | PUT /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/external-link/{linkUuid} | Update external link |
FilterSettingsControllerApi | createFilterSettings | POST /api/v1/filterSettings | Create FilterSettings for mailbox |
FilterSettingsControllerApi | deleteFilterSettings | DELETE /api/v1/filterSettings/{uuid} | Delete FilterSettings |
FilterSettingsControllerApi | getAllFilterSettings | GET /api/v1/filterSettings | Read all by mailbox |
FilterSettingsControllerApi | getByUuid | GET /api/v1/filterSettings/{uuid} | Get by UUID |
FilterSettingsControllerApi | updateFilterSettings | PUT /api/v1/filterSettings/{uuid} | Update FilterSettings for mailbox |
IntegrationControllerApi | convertBinaryToXML | POST /api/v1/integration/convert-binary | Convert incoming file to XML view |
IntegrationControllerApi | createIntegrationRule | POST /api/v1/integration/rule | Create integration rule |
IntegrationControllerApi | deleteIntegrationRule | DELETE /api/v1/integration/rule/{integrationRuleUuid} | Delete integration rule |
IntegrationControllerApi | execute | POST /api/v1/integration/rule/execute | Execute conversion map and generate file name (if pattern rule defined) |
IntegrationControllerApi | generate | GET /api/v1/integration/source/{templateUuid}/{mailboxUuid} | Generate envelope XML by template |
IntegrationControllerApi | getExchangeCertificate | GET /api/v1/integration/exchange-certificate | Get public exchange certificate |
IntegrationControllerApi | getIntegrationRule | GET /api/v1/integration/rule/{integrationRuleUuid} | Get integration rule |
IntegrationControllerApi | getIntegrationRules | GET /api/v1/integration/rules/{accountUuid} | Get account integration rules |
IntegrationControllerApi | getMailboxIntegration | GET /api/v1/integration/{mailboxUuid} | Get Mailbox integration |
IntegrationControllerApi | newPassword | POST /api/v1/integration/new-password/{mailboxUuid} | Generate and save new password |
IntegrationControllerApi | saveMailboxIntegration | POST /api/v1/integration/{mailboxUuid} | Create/update Mailbox integration |
IntegrationControllerApi | updateIntegrationRule | PUT /api/v1/integration/rule/{integrationRuleUuid} | Update integration rule |
LabelControllerApi | assignments | POST /api/v1/label/assignments | Assign label to envelopes |
LabelControllerApi | createLabel | POST /api/v1/label | Save label to DB |
LabelControllerApi | deAssignments | DELETE /api/v1/label/assignments | Unassign label from envelopes |
LabelControllerApi | deleteLabel | DELETE /api/v1/label/{uuid} | Delete label |
LabelControllerApi | getAll | GET /api/v1/label | Retrieve all labels for mailbox for authorized user |
LabelControllerApi | updateLabel | PUT /api/v1/label/{uuid} | Update label |
MailboxControllerApi | createMailbox | POST /api/v1/mailbox/account/{uuid} | Create mailbox |
MailboxControllerApi | customizeDashboard | PUT /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/dashboard | Customize mailbox dashboard |
MailboxControllerApi | deleteMailbox | DELETE /api/v1/mailbox | Delete mailbox by UUID in the header. |
MailboxControllerApi | deleteMailboxUsers | DELETE /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/users | Delete mailbox users except requester |
MailboxControllerApi | getAccountLogo | GET /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/logo | Retrieve mailbox account logo |
MailboxControllerApi | getActivityLog | GET /api/v1/mailbox/activity-log | Audit trail feed for mailbox |
MailboxControllerApi | getAllForUser | GET /api/v1/mailbox | Retrieve user's mailboxes list |
MailboxControllerApi | getAutoDelegation | GET /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/auto-delegation | Get auto delegation settings |
MailboxControllerApi | getCustomizedDashboard | GET /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/dashboard | Get mailbox dashboard |
MailboxControllerApi | getCustomizedDashboardHtml | GET /api/v1/mailbox/dashboard.html | Get mailbox dashboard html |
MailboxControllerApi | getMailboxEssentials | GET /api/v1/mailbox/essentials | Get mailbox essentials |
MailboxControllerApi | getMailboxesByAccount | GET /api/v1/mailbox/account/{uuid} | Read list of account mailboxes |
MailboxControllerApi | getMailboxesInfoMailbox | POST /api/v1/mailbox/info | Retrieve mailboxes info |
MailboxControllerApi | getStat | GET /api/v1/mailbox/stat | Get number of unread envelopes in every scope |
MailboxControllerApi | getUsedTemplates | GET /api/v1/mailbox/templates/used | List of used templates |
MailboxControllerApi | leaveMailbox | DELETE /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/leave | Leave mailbox if possible |
MailboxControllerApi | patchMailbox | PATCH /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid} | Patch mailbox, return patched mailbox w/o users count |
MailboxControllerApi | searchMailboxes | GET /api/v1/mailbox/search | Search mailboxes by name, contact, alias, user |
MailboxControllerApi | searchMailboxesAsParticipants | GET /api/v1/mailbox/search-participants | Search mailboxes by name, contact, alias, user |
MailboxControllerApi | updateAutoDelegation | PUT /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/auto-delegation | Update auto delegation settings |
MailboxControllerApi | updateMailbox | PUT /api/v1/mailbox/{mailboxUuid} | Update mailbox |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | addMailboxesToGroup | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/{groupUuid}/mailbox | Add mailboxes to group |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | createMailboxGroup | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group | Create mailbox group |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | getMailboxGroup | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/{groupUuid} | Get mailbox group |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | getMailboxGroupsNames | POST /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/info | Get groups names |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | removeMailboxesFromGroup | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/{groupUuid}/mailbox | Remove mailboxes from group |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | searchGroups | GET /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group | List/search groups |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | updateMailboxGroup | DELETE /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/{groupUuid} | Delete mailbox group |
MailboxGroupControllerApi | updateMailboxGroupMailboxGroup | PATCH /api/v1/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-group/{groupUuid} | Update mailbox group |
MiscControllerApi | appSettings | GET /api/v1/settings | |
MiscControllerApi | auditLog | POST /api/v1/audit | Audit log |
MiscControllerApi | calculateFormula | POST /api/v1/formula | Calculate excel formulas for documents |
MiscControllerApi | createAuditReport | POST /api/v1/audit/report | Request audit report |
MiscControllerApi | detectCountry | GET /api/v1/detect-country | |
MiscControllerApi | getBarcode | GET /api/v1/barcode | |
MiscControllerApi | getProcessStatus | GET /api/v1/process-status/{id} | Process status |
MiscControllerApi | parseCsv | POST /api/v1/csv-parser | Parse CSV text (5 rows max) |
MiscControllerApi | recalculateMailboxStat | GET /api/v1/recalculate-mailbox-stat | Recalculate all mailbox counters |
MiscControllerApi | returnNoFavicon | GET /favicon.ico | |
MiscControllerApi | webhook | POST /api/v1/account/webhook | |
NotificationControllerApi | getAccountPreferences | GET /api/v1/notification/account-preferences | Get account related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | getCorporateUserAccountPreferences | GET /api/v1/notification/user/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/account-preferences | Get corporate user account related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | getMailboxPreferences | GET /api/v1/notification/user/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-preferences | Get corporate user mailbox related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | getMailboxPreferences1 | GET /api/v1/notification/mailbox-preferences | Get mailbox related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | getUnreadNotifications | GET /api/v1/notification | Get unread notifications |
NotificationControllerApi | markAllNotificationRead | POST /api/v1/notification/read-all | Mark notifications as read |
NotificationControllerApi | markNotificationRead | POST /api/v1/notification/read | Mark notifications as read |
NotificationControllerApi | saveAccountPreferences | POST /api/v1/notification/account-preferences | Update account related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | saveMailboxPreferences | POST /api/v1/notification/mailbox-preferences | Update mailbox related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | setCorporateUserAccountPreferences | POST /api/v1/notification/user/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/account-preferences | Update corporate user account related notification preferences |
NotificationControllerApi | setMailboxPreferences | POST /api/v1/notification/user/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/mailbox-preferences | Update corporate user mailbox related notification preferences |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | deleteAccAllPermissions | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Delete user from account totally |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | deleteAccPermission | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/{permissionId} | Delete permission for specific 'user-to-account' relation |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | deleteAccRole | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid}/role/{roleUuid} | Delete role |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | getUserAccountPermissions | GET /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Read all user permissions |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | patchMbPermissionsPermissionAccount | PATCH /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Add exact permission for selected user-to-account relation. Add if absent or ignore if already present. |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | replaceAllPermissionsPermissionAccount | PUT /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Replace all permissions for selected user-to-account relation |
PermissionAccountControllerApi | setUserAccountPermissions | POST /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Write user permissions |
PermissionControllerApi | resendInvitation | POST /api/v1/permission/invite/{accountUuid}/{userUuid}/resend | Resend invitation for user to account |
PermissionControllerApi | revokeInvitation | DELETE /api/v1/permission/invite/{accountUuid}/{userUuid} | Revoke invitation for user to account |
PermissionMailboxControllerApi | deleteAllPermissions | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/mailbox/{mailboxUuid} | Delete all permissions and roles for selected user-to-mailbox relation |
PermissionMailboxControllerApi | deletePermission | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/{permissionId} | Delete permission for specific user-to-mailbox relation |
PermissionMailboxControllerApi | deleteRoleFromMailbox | DELETE /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/mailbox/{mailboxUuid}/role/{roleUuid} | Delete role |
PermissionMailboxControllerApi | patchMbPermissions | PATCH /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/mailbox/{mailboxUuid} | Add exact permissions/roles leaving existing as is. Ignore if already present. |
PermissionMailboxControllerApi | replaceAllPermissions | PUT /api/v1/permission/{userUuid}/mailbox/{mailboxUuid} | Replace all permissions for selected user-to-mailbox relation |
RegistrationControllerApi | getUserPasswordPolicy | GET /registration/passwordPolicy | Get user password policy |
RegistrationControllerApi | register | POST /registration | Register a user with validation code |
RegistrationControllerApi | renewPassword | POST /registration/renewPassword | Renew user's password |
RegistrationControllerApi | requestResendValidationCode | POST /registration/sendRegistrationCode | Send email validation code |
RegistrationControllerApi | requestResetPassword | POST /registration/requestPasswordReset | Request password reset |
RegistrationControllerApi | resetPassword | POST /registration/resetPassword | Reset password |
RegistrationControllerApi | validation | GET /registration/validate | Validate user code from email |
RoleControllerApi | createRole | POST /api/v1/permission/role | Create a role |
RoleControllerApi | delete | DELETE /api/v1/permission/role/{uuid} | |
RoleControllerApi | read | GET /api/v1/permission/role/{uuid} | Read role by UUID |
RoleControllerApi | readAll | GET /api/v1/permission/role | Read all system roles |
RoleControllerApi | readAllWithAccount | GET /api/v1/permission/role/account/{uuid} | Read all roles for account including system predefined |
RoleControllerApi | updateRole | PUT /api/v1/permission/role/{uuid} | Update role, allow to change name and permissions |
ScenarioControllerApi | cloneScenario | PUT /api/v1/scenario/{scenarioUuid}/clone | Clone scenario |
ScenarioControllerApi | createNewScenario | POST /api/v1/scenario | Create new scenario |
ScenarioControllerApi | deleteScenario | DELETE /api/v1/scenario/{scenarioUuid} | Delete scenario |
ScenarioControllerApi | getScenario | GET /api/v1/scenario/{scenarioUuid} | Get scenario |
ScenarioControllerApi | runScenario | POST /api/v1/scenario/{scenarioUuid} | Run scenario |
ScenarioControllerApi | searchScenarios | GET /api/v1/scenario | Get paged scenario list |
ScenarioControllerApi | updateScenario | PUT /api/v1/scenario/{scenarioUuid} | Update scenario |
SsoAuthenticationControllerApi | loginOauth2 | GET /oauth2/authorization/{registrationId} | Login with oAuth2 |
SsoAuthenticationControllerApi | loginSaml2 | GET /saml2/authenticate/{registrationId} | Login with SAML2 |
SsoAuthenticationControllerApi | samlMetadata | GET /saml/metadata | Returns SAML Metadata |
SsoAuthenticationControllerApi | samlRegistrationIdByDomain | GET /saml/registrationId | Returns EntityID by domain |
TemplateControllerApi | addZipStructure | PUT /api/v1/template/{uuid}/zip-structure | Add new files structure for zip archive |
TemplateControllerApi | archiveTemplate | PATCH /api/v1/template/{uuid}/archive | Make template archived |
TemplateControllerApi | callClone | POST /api/v1/template/{uuid}/clone | Clone template |
TemplateControllerApi | checkTemplateExistsByUuid | HEAD /api/v1/template/{uuid} | Check template exists by UUID |
TemplateControllerApi | create | POST /api/v1/template | Create new template |
TemplateControllerApi | deleteShareCode | DELETE /api/v1/template/{uuid}/share-code | Delete share code for template |
TemplateControllerApi | deleteZipStructure | DELETE /api/v1/template/{uuid}/zip-structure/{title} | Delete structure for zip archive |
TemplateControllerApi | downloadTemplateImage | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/image | Download template image |
TemplateControllerApi | downloadTemplatePdf | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/pdf | Download template PDF |
TemplateControllerApi | getPdfPageSizes | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/pdf-page-sizes | Get PDF page sizes |
TemplateControllerApi | getRecentlyUsedTemplates | GET /api/v1/template/recently-used | Get up to 10 recently used templates |
TemplateControllerApi | getRecommendedTemplates | GET /api/v1/template/recommended | Get up to 4 recommended templates |
TemplateControllerApi | getSavedZipStructureNames | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/zip-structure-titles | Get saved structure titles for zip archive |
TemplateControllerApi | getShareCode | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/share-code | Retrieve share code for template |
TemplateControllerApi | getTemplateByShareCode | GET /api/v1/template/by-share-code/{code} | Retrieve template by share code |
TemplateControllerApi | getTemplateByUuid | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid} | Retrieve template by UUID |
TemplateControllerApi | getTemplateVersionsByUuid | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/versions | Retrieve template versions by UUID |
TemplateControllerApi | getZipStructure | GET /api/v1/template/{uuid}/zip-structure | Get structure with all files for zip archive |
TemplateControllerApi | searchTemplates | GET /api/v1/template | Get paged templates list |
TemplateControllerApi | update | PUT /api/v1/template/{uuid} | Update template in DB. Category in template could be null. |
TemplateControllerApi | updateCategories | PATCH /api/v1/template/{uuid}/categories | Update categories in template. |
TemplateControllerApi | updateName | PATCH /api/v1/template/{uuid}/name | Update name in template. |
TemplateControllerApi | uploadImage | POST /api/v1/template/image | Upload new image |
TemplateControllerApi | uploadPdf | POST /api/v1/template/pdf | Upload new PDF |
TemplateControllerApi | validateTemplate | GET /api/v1/template/validate | Validate template by UUID or version |
UploadControllerApi | cancel | DELETE /api/v1/upload/{uploadUuid} | Cancel import process |
UploadControllerApi | confirm | PUT /api/v1/upload/{uploadUuid}/confirm | Approve import process |
UploadControllerApi | getImportTask | GET /api/v1/upload/{uploadUuid} | Get import processing task |
UploadControllerApi | uploadDictionary | POST /api/v1/upload/dictionary/{dictionaryUuid} | Upload dictionary file for importing |
UserControllerApi | changeInitials | PUT /api/v1/user/initials | Update user's initials in base64 format |
UserControllerApi | changePassword | PUT /api/v1/user/password | Update user's password |
UserControllerApi | changeSignature | PUT /api/v1/user/signature | Update user's eink signature in base64 format |
UserControllerApi | confirmOauthEmailAndGetToken | GET /api/v1/user/confirm-oauth-email-get-token | Confirm email from OAuth2 Identity Provider |
UserControllerApi | deleteUser | DELETE /api/v1/user | Delete user himself |
UserControllerApi | findUser | GET /api/v1/user/search | Find user |
UserControllerApi | getAvatar | GET /api/v1/user/avatar/{uuid} | Retrieve user avatar |
UserControllerApi | getCorporateUserProfile | GET /api/v1/user/profile/{uuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Retrieve corporate user profile |
UserControllerApi | getMailboxesInfo | POST /api/v1/user/info | Retrieve users info |
UserControllerApi | getProfile | GET /api/v1/user/profile | Retrieve self profile |
UserControllerApi | updateCorporateUserProfile | PUT /api/v1/user/profile/{uuid}/account/{accountUuid} | Update corporate user's profile |
UserControllerApi | updateProfile | PUT /api/v1/user/profile | Update self profile |
UserInviteControllerApi | acceptInvite | POST /api/v1/user/invite/accept/{inviteCode} | Accept invite |
UserInviteControllerApi | createInvitation | POST /api/v1/user/invite | Create invitation to join account or mailbox with defined permissions |
UserInviteControllerApi | declineInvite | DELETE /api/v1/user/invite/decline/{inviteCode} | Decline invite |
UserInviteControllerApi | getInvites | GET /api/v1/user/invites | Get paged invites list |
UserInviteControllerApi | updateInvitation | PUT /api/v1/user/invite/{uuid} | Update invitation by userUuid |
ValidationControllerApi | getEnvelopeInvite | GET /api/v1/validation/envelope-authorized-invite | Get invitation info by already registered user |
ValidationControllerApi | getEnvelopeInviteNotRegistered | GET /api/v1/validation/envelope-invite | Get invitation info by not authenticated user |
- AccountAddressDTO
- AccountBillingCounterValueDTO
- AccountBillingEventDTO
- AccountBillingInfoDTO
- AccountBillingTariffInfoDTO
- AccountCreateDTO
- AccountDTO
- AccountDomainCreateDTO
- AccountDomainDTO
- AccountDomainUpdateDTO
- AccountDomainVerifyInfo
- AccountMailboxInfoDTO
- AccountPermissionsDTO
- AccountPoliciesDTO
- AccountSsoIdProviderDTO
- AccountSsoIdProviderShortDTO
- AccountSsoIdProviderUpdateDTO
- AccountTariffInfo
- AccountUserDTO
- ActivityLogAction
- ActivityLogObjectType
- ActivityLogRecordDTO
- AliasDTO
- AliasNameDTO
- AppLinks
- AppLocales
- AppPageScripts
- AppTokenDTO
- ApprovalStatusDTO
- ApproverDetailsDTO
- AttachmentFileAllowance
- AttachmentRestriction
- AttributeInfoDTO
- AuditTrailDTO
- AuditTrailInfoRecordDTO
- BasePermissionsDTO
- BillingEventType
- BillingHeaderState
- BillingInvoiceStatusDTO
- BillingPaymentDTO
- BillingProperties
- BillingRedirectDTO
- BulkEnvelopeActionDTO
- CallbackEnvelopeDataDTO
- CallbackEnvelopeFilterDTO
- CategoryDTO
- ChainEnvelopeDTO
- ChangeAccountTariffResponse
- ChangeDomainStatusDTO
- ChunkUploadProps
- CommentAccessDTO
- CommentMessageDTO
- CommentPostDTO
- CommentPutDTO
- CommentThreadDTO
- CommonExceptionDTO
- ConfirmUploadDTO
- ContactDTO
- ContactResponseDTO
- CorporateProfileDTO
- CorporateUserCreateDTO
- CounterInfoDTO
- CreateAppTokenDTO
- CreateEnvelopeCallbackDTO
- CreateRecordsResponseDTO
- CryptoConfigDTO
- CryptoProperties
- CsvData
- CsvSettings
- CurrencyRateDTO
- DataMap
- DefaultEnvelopeListColumns
- DeleteEnvColumnDTO
- DetailedTariffInfoDTO
- DetectedCountryDTO
- DictionaryCheckResponseDTO
- DictionaryColumnRequestDTO
- DictionaryColumnResponseDTO
- DictionaryColumnValueRequestDTO
- DictionaryColumnValueResponseDTO
- DictionaryColumnValueSearchDTO
- DictionaryDownloadParamsDTO
- DictionaryFiltersRequestDTO
- DictionaryRecordValuesResponseDTO
- DictionaryRecordsRequestDTO
- DictionaryRequestDTO
- DictionaryResponseDTO
- DocFormulaRequestDTO
- DocIdSignatureNameDTO
- DocumentCommentsDTO
- DocumentFileForSignRequestDTO
- DocumentForSigningDTO
- DocumentPageSizeDTO
- DocumentsForSignRequestDTO
- EinkSignRestriction
- EmailProperties
- EnvApprovalSearchResultDTO
- EnvCancellationRequestDTO
- EnvDTO
- EnvDelegationDTO
- EnvGetDTO
- EnvPostDTO
- EnvSharedToDTO
- EnvTableRestriction
- EnvelopeApprovalHistoryDTO
- EnvelopeApprovalPageDTO
- EnvelopeApprovalRequestDTO
- EnvelopeApproverDTO
- EnvelopeApproverGetDTO
- EnvelopeCallbackDTO
- EnvelopeCancelDelegationDTO
- EnvelopeCheckResultDTO
- EnvelopeConfirmInviteDTO
- EnvelopeConfirmInviteRoleDTO
- EnvelopeDocumentSignatureDTO
- EnvelopeDocumentSignaturesDTO
- EnvelopeExtraFieldDTO
- EnvelopeFlowInfoDTO
- EnvelopeListColumn
- EnvelopeListColumnExtra
- EnvelopePageDTO
- EnvelopeProcessingResult
- EnvelopeRestrictions
- EnvelopeScenarioDTO
- EnvelopeSearchField
- EnvelopeSendResultDTO
- EnvelopeSenderDTO
- EnvelopeSharedArchiveRequestDTO
- EnvelopeSharedCopyRequestDTO
- EnvelopeTemplateInfoDTO
- EnvelopeToMailboxDTO
- EnvelopeValidationError
- EnvelopeViewColumn
- EnvelopeWithFlow
- EnvelopeWithTemplateDTO
- ExchangeAs2Props
- ExchangeAs4DbnaProps
- ExchangeProps
- ExchangeSshProps
- ExportTaskStatusDTO
- ExternalLinkRequestDTO
- ExternalLinkResponseDTO
- ExternalLinkShortResponseDTO
- FailedEnvelopeCallbackFilterDTO
- FieldRestriction
- FilterDTO
- FilterSettingsCreateDTO
- FilterSettingsDTO
- FullTemplateResponseDTO
- GeolocationInfoDTO
- GeolocationProperties
- GetEnvelopeInviteInfoDTO
- GroupInfoDTO
- GroupListInfoDTO
- ImageRestriction
- ImportTaskDTO
- IntegrationDTO
- IntegrationDefaultRuleDTO
- IntegrationRuleDTO
- IntegrationRuleRequestDTO
- IntegrationRuleResponseDTO
- InvitationPostDTO
- InvitationPutDTO
- InvitedEnvelopeInfoDTO
- LabelAssociationDTO
- LabelDTO
- LocaleItemDTO
- LoginCheckResponseDTO
- LoginDTO
- LoginEnvelopeResponseDTO
- LoginResponseDTO
- LogoImageRestriction
- LogosProperties
- MailboxAccountSimpleDTO
- MailboxApprovalFlowDTO
- MailboxApprovalFlowGetDTO
- MailboxCreateDTO
- MailboxDashboardDTO
- MailboxDelegationDTO
- MailboxEssentialsDTO
- MailboxInfoDTO
- MailboxNameUuidDTO
- MailboxPatchRequestDTO
- MailboxProfileDTO
- MailboxProperties
- MailboxRolePermissionDTO
- MailboxSearchResultDTO
- MailboxSimpleDTO
- MailboxUpdateRequestDTO
- MailboxesSearchFilterDTO
- ModifierInfoDTO
- NameUuidDTO
- NewEnvColumnDTO
- NewTemplateZipStructureDTO
- OAuthProperties
- OneTimeSendDTO
- OperationSource
- PageDTOAccountDomainDTO
- PageDTOAccountMailboxInfoDTO
- PageDTOActivityLogRecordDTO
- PageDTOContactResponseDTO
- PageDTODataMap
- PageDTODictionaryColumnValueResponseDTO
- PageDTODictionaryRecordValuesResponseDTO
- PageDTODictionaryResponseDTO
- PageDTOEnvelopeToMailboxDTO
- PageDTOGroupListInfoDTO
- PageDTOMailboxApprovalFlowGetDTO
- PageDTOObject
- PageDTORoleGetDTO
- PageDTOScenarioShortDTO
- PageDTOSearchTemplateDTO
- PageDTOUsedTemplateDTO
- PageDTOUserInvitationDTO
- PageDTOUserMailboxPermissionsDTO
- PageDTOUserNotificationResponseDTO
- PasswordPolicy
- PaymentMethodInfo
- PaymentProviderInfo
- PdfPageSizes
- PdfPropertiesDTO
- PermissionsDTO
- PermissionsWithUuidDTO
- ProcessStatus
- ProfileDTO
- QuickSendDTO
- QuickSendRecipientDTO
- RecentlyUsedTemplateResponseDTO
- RecommendedTemplateResponseDTO
- RenewPasswordDTO
- ReplaceAccountTariffDTO
- ReportEnvelopeRequestDTO
- ReportMailboxesRequestDTO
- ReportUsersRequestDTO
- RequestValCodeDTO
- RequiredSignatureDTO
- ResetPasswordDTO
- ResolveCommentThreadDTO
- RoleCreateDTO
- RoleGetDTO
- RoleShortDTO
- SamlSsoProps
- ScenarioDTO
- ScenarioShortDTO
- ScenarioShortStepDTO
- ScenarioShortStepTemplateInfoDTO
- ScenarioStepDTO
- ScenarioStepTemplateInfoDTO
- SearchActivityLogDTO
- SearchApprovalsDTO
- SearchEnvelopesDTO
- SearchFieldRestriction
- SearchFieldValueDTO
- SearchRestriction
- SearchTemplateDTO
- SendEnvByCodeDTO
- SessionPolicy
- SettingsDTO
- ShareRestriction
- SharedCodeDTO
- SingleDocForSignRequestDTO
- SingleUuidDTO
- SsoEntityDTO
- SsoProperties
- StampRequestDTO
- StatDTO
- SupportedBarcodeDTO
- TableDetails
- TariffDetails
- TemplTableRestriction
- TemplateCreateDTO
- TemplateRestriction
- TemplateRolesDTO
- TemplateValidateResponseDTO
- TemplateZipStructureDTO
- TemplateZipStructureTitlesDTO
- TextFieldPattern
- UpdateAccountRequest
- UpdateEnvColumnDTO
- UpdateGroupDTO
- UpdatePasswordDTO
- UpdateProfileDTO
- UploadedAttachmentDTO
- UploadedImageDTO
- UploadedPdfDTO
- UsedTemplateDTO
- User2AccountWithMailboxesDTO
- User2MailboxDTO
- UserAuthorizationDTO
- UserCreateByCodeDTO
- UserCreateDTO
- UserDTO
- UserInfoDTO
- UserInvitationDTO
- UserMailboxPermissionsDTO
- UserNotificationResponseDTO
- UserPermissionDTO
- UserProperties
- UsersSearchFilterDTO
- ValidationResponseDTO
- ZipEntityDTO