
Closures useful for validating data. Provides type validation amongst other filters.

v0.2 2017-07-22 22:58 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-27 04:17:24 UTC


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Closures useful for validating data. Provides type validation amongst other filters.


You can install this class via composer:

composer require yoshi2889/validation-closures


All closures are exposed as public static methods. For example, to use the Types\string() closure:

$closure = \ValidationClosures\Types::string();

$is_string = $closure('This is a string');

// True
echo $is_string ? 'True' : 'False';

In the following documentation, all methods return a value of type boolean unless stated otherwise.


The Ranges class contains methods to check if values are within a range. It contains the following methods:

  • stringWithLengthBetween(int $minimumLength, int $maximumLength): Test if a given string has a length within the range $minimumLength <= length <= $maximumLength
  • intBetween(int $minimum, int $maximum): Test if a given int is inside the range of $minimum <= int <= $maximum
  • intBetweenExclusive(int $minimum, int $maximum): Test if a given int is inside the range of $minimum < int < $maximum
  • floatBetween(float $minimum, float $maximum): Identical to intBetween, except it tests on floats.
  • floatBetweenExclusive(float $minimum, float $maximum): Identical to intBetweenExclusive, except it tests on floats.
  • enum(...$allowedValues): Test if a given value exists inside $allowedValues, similar to an Enum type in other languages.
  • typeEnum(...$allowedTypes): Test if a given value is of a type inside $allowedTypes.
  • stringOneOf(...$allowedValues): Test if a given string exists inside $allowedValues.


The Reflection class allows you to create closures out of all methods found in PHP's ReflectionClass. It is most useful with the is* methods. For example, to create a closure for the implementsInterface method:

$closure = Reflection::implementsInterface(stdClass::class);

The Reflection class will take care of instantiating a ReflectionClass object automatically.


The Types class contains methods to use for type validation. It contains the following methods:

  • string(): Test if a given value is a string.
  • int(): Test if a given value is an integer.
  • float(): Test if a given value is a float.
  • boolean(): Test if a given value is a boolean.
  • array(): Test if a given value is an array.
  • callable(): Test if a given value is a callable function/method.
  • object(): Test if a given value is an instantiated object.
  • numeric(): Test if a given value is a numeric value. (see is_numeric in the PHP manual for details)
  • instanceof(string $class): Test if a given value is an instance of the given class.


The Utils class contains methods to manipulate closures. It contains the following methods:

  • invert(\Closure $closure): \Closure: Invert a closure. For example, Types::string() inverted would pass all values which are not strings.
  • merge(\Closure $closure1, \Closure $closure2): \Closure: Merge two closures together. The resulting closure will return true if either closure or both closures resolve(s) to true.
  • both(\Closure $closure1, \Closure $closure2): \Closure: Merge two closures together. The resulting closure will return true only if both closures resolve to true.
  • validateArray(\Closure $closure, array $values): bool: Tests if all values in a given array validate with the given closure. Returns false if 1 or more values do not validate, returns true if all elements validate.


This code is released under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE to read it.