
A package to provide icons from different vendors for Livewire Flux.

v1.0.5 2025-02-24 12:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 13:00:09 UTC


This is a laravel package to customize the icons for Livewire Flux. It builds the icons from various vendors into a flux:icon component.

Packagist Version


Generally you want to install this package only in your local development environment and build and publish the icons you need.

composer require --dev ympact/flux-icons

Icon Vendor Support

Vendor Namespace Preview / Repo Notes
Bootstrap bootstrap Preview Stroke width of outline icons cannot be adjusted
VSC Codicons codicons Repo Only outline icons available, but stroke width cannot be adjusted
Flowbite flowbite Preview
Flags flags Repo There is only one variant (solid and outline show the same flag). Currently the 4x3 AR version is configured. The rectangle version can also be used by adjusting the config
Fluent UI fluent Preview (unofficial) - Repo Stroke width of outline icons cannot be adjusted
Google Material Design Icons material-icons Preview Stroke width of outline icons cannot be adjusted
Google Material Symbols (300) material-symbols Preview Stroke width of outline icons cannot be adjusted
Healthicons healthicons Preview Stroke width cannot be adjusted.
Lucide lucide Preview Only outline icons available
MDI mdi Preview Stroke width of outline icons cannot be adjusted
Tabler tabler Preview

Building icons

You will need to build the icons yourself once the package is installed. This can be done using the artisan command flux-icons:build. You can optionally pass the vendor name as the first argument.

php artisan flux-icons:build tabler --icons=confetti,confetti-off

The artisan script will try to install the vendor's icon package for you using npm install. In case you did not provide any arguments, the script will walk you through all options

php artisan flux-icons:build


Option Description
--icons= The icons to build (single or comma separated list). Cannot be used in combination with --all.
-m|--merge Merge the icons listed in the --icons option with the icons defined in the config. Cannot be used in combination with --all.
-a|--all Build all icons from the vendor. Note: this might generate over thousands of files and cause npm run dev to crash due to memory issues.
-v|--verbose Show additional messages during build.


Since this package publishes all icons to resources/views/flux/icon/{vendor}/ you can simply use the Blade convention of referencing the icons within your flux:icon component. So for example:

<flux:icon.tabler.confetti />
<flux:icon name="tabler.confetti-off"/>

Publish config

You can publish the config file to adjust settings for a specific vendor or add your own vendor. For example adjusting the stroke width of outline icons. In case you add your own vendor, please share or make a PR so others can use it too!

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flux-icons-config

Publish specific vendor callbacks

For some vendors callbacks str defined (see the config). Adjusting these callbacks can be done by publishing the class using the following command:

php artisan flux-icons:publish {vendor}

When adjusting the callback for a vendor, make sure you also publish the config file and reference the correct class.

Advanced configuration

General config

Option Valaue Description
icons null or ['vendorName' => ['icon-name', ...] ] A list of icons that will be build/updated by default in case no icons are passed to flux-icons:build command.
default_stroke_width float For outline icons a default stroke width can be configured. The default Flux Heroicons uses a width of 1.5.

Vendor specific configuration

The vendor specific configuration sits within the vendors key. Each vendor should have a key. That key will be used as directory name when exporting the icons.

'vendors' => [
    'tabler' => [
        'vendor' => 'Tabler',
        'namespace' => 'tabler',
        'package' => '@tabler/icons',
        'variants' => [ 
Option Value Default Description
vendor string Human readable name of the vendor.
namespace string The namespace for the Flux icon, in case omitted, the vendor name will be used.
package string The npm package that should be installed to retrieve the icons.
baseVariant string outline The default variant to use as basis. This is usually the vendor's variant that has the most icons available.
variants array The configuration for each of the variants (outline, solid, mini, micro).
icon_name [class, method] null A callback to adjust the name of the svg.
attributes [class, method] null A callback to adjust the attributes on the SVG.
transform [class, method] null A callback to transform the SVG path data.
stroke_width [class, method] null A callback to determine the whether the stroke width should be changed on this icon.


    'variants' => [
        'outline' => [
            'source' => [], // see config options below
            'template' => 'outline',
            'fallback' => 'default', 
            'stroke_width' => false, 
            'size' => 24,
            'attributes' = []
        'solid' => [
            'source' => [],
        'mini' => [
            'base' => 'solid'
        'micro' => [
            'base' => 'solid'
Option Value Default Description
source string|callable array define the source directory. See the details below.
template outline or solid The svg-tag template for the specific variant. Mini and micro variants use the solid template by default. Commonly the outline icon may be set to solid as the outline icon was designed as solids and not using strokes.
fallback string|callable array Determine the fallback icon to use if it the source was not found for the specific variant. See details below.
stroke_width int|float Determine the stroke width for the icon. Works only in case the outline template is used
size int ... Determine the size of the icon variant. By default we'll use the Flux implementaton (outline/solid = 24px, mini = 20px and micro = 16px)
attributes array [] Add or remove (null) specific attributes to the svg html tag of the icon.
base string null Determine what the base settings are for the mini and micro variants. By default the solid settings are used.
raw bool false Determine whether the inner contents of the icon's svg should simply be copied into the Flux icon and explicitly prevent any transformations.


The source directories specify where the script can find the outline and solid versions of the icons you want to build. In case the vendor uses a prefix or suffix for the icons, we want to configure it here to determine the basename of the icon and make them easier accessible in flux.

    'dir' => 'node_modules/vendor/icons/...',
    'prefix' => null,
    'suffix' => null 
    'filter' => [ Ympact\FluxIcons\Services\Vendor\VendorName::class, 'filter']

An optional filter callback can be defined to indicate whether a file in the directory should be used as outline or solid respectively. The function gets three arguments passed: $file, $icons, $variant:

  • $file
  • icons is an array of icons that the user requested to build. This is passed by reference in case this array needs to be adjusted. See the Mdi class as example.
  • $variant

Optionally callbacks can be defined on dir, prefix and suffix to adjust these according to the icon variant. The $variant passed to the callback defines which variant is currently build (outline, solid, mini, micro).

'solid' => [ 
        'dir' => 'node_modules/vendor/icons/icons/filled', 
        'prefix' => null, 
        'suffix' => [ Ympact\FluxIcons\Services\Vendor\VendorName::class, 'sourceSolidSuffix']

Fallbacks for icon variants

Due to the way the flux icon component is made, it requires 4 variants: an outline and preferably a solid of three sizes:

  • solid - 24px
  • mini - 20px
  • micro - 16px

Using the configuration of the vendor, you can determine how to handle the building of the icon when there is no source file for a certain variant. The options are:

Value Description
false No fallback is used, this will cause the entire icon not to be build.
default Use the base variant (usually the outline icon).
{variant} Any of the variants
callback array A callback to determine that should return any of the options above.


The configuration file provides various options on which callback can be defined. To keep the config file serializable, the callbacks should be defined in a separate class and referenced as above. See vendor.php.stub for reference of the available callbacks.

Additional icons

This package also provide some custom icons that can be published:

They can be published using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flux-icons-icons
  • An empty icon, can be useful for simple logic in your blade or components:

    <flux:icon name="{{ $icon ?? 'flux-icons.empty' }}" />
  • A placeholder avatar icon, using an icon or initials

    <flux:icon.flux-icons.avatar-placeholder name="Maurits Korse" color="green" />
    <flux:icon.flux-icons.avatar-placeholder icon color="green" />

    This icon has additional properties:

    • icon (void|string): uses the Heroicon user icon as image.
    • name (string): instead of an icon two initials of a name will be shown. You can pass the full name (Maurits Korse) or just the initials (MK)
    • color (string): colorizing the icon using the same as Flux badges


  • Add/Improve command for updating/rebuilding icons
  • Adding more vendors
  • Helper script to create configurations for new vendors
  • Improving testing
  • Documentation
  • Support other variants (duotone, etc.)