
A Laravel package for redirecting responses with or without www and with the specified protocol (http or https).

v1.0.0 2024-01-22 00:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 15:32:49 UTC


The "laravel-wwwprotocolresolver" package provides easy configuration for redirecting responses with or without "www" and with the specified protocol (http or https) in Laravel applications. You can customize the redirection type (permanent or temporary), scheme (http or https), and redirection mode (with or without "www") according to your needs.


To install the package, run the following command in your Laravel project's terminal:

composer require ymigval/laravel-wwwprotocolresolver

Publish configuration file (optional)

If you want to customize the package configuration, you can publish the configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="wwwprotocolresolver"


To use the package, simply add the following environment variables to your .env file:

# Supported: "http", "https"

# Supported: "with_www", "without_www"

Ensure that you set these configurations only in production environments to avoid unwanted redirections during development.


You can adjust the package configuration in the config/wwwprotocolresolver.php file. Here, you can define the redirection type (301 or 302), scheme (http or https), and redirection mode (with or without "www") according to your preferences.

return [
    'type' => env('WWW_PROTOCOL_RESOLVER_TYPE', 301),
    'use' => env('WWW_PROTOCOL_RESOLVER_USE'),
    'mode' => env('WWW_PROTOCOL_RESOLVER_MODE'),

This package allows you to enhance the security and consistency of your URLs by ensuring that all users are redirected to the preferred version of your website.


Please refer to the CHANGELOG for more information about recent changes.


The MIT License (MIT). For more information, please see the License File.