
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the php-forge/awesome-widget package instead.

Foundation classes and components used by Yiitools Awesome Widget.

dev-main / 1.0.x-dev 2023-06-27 15:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-07-02 12:01:56 UTC


121752654?s=200&v=4 68747470733a2f2f63646e2d69636f6e732d706e672e666c617469636f6e2e636f6d2f3531322f353736322f353736323439322e706e67

Foundation Classes and Components used by Yiitools Awesome Widget.


The minimun version of PHP required by this package is PHP 8.1.

For install this package, you need composer.


composer require yii-tools/awesome-widget


Check the documentation docs to learn about usage.


Checking dependencies

This package uses composer-require-checker to check if all dependencies are correctly defined in composer.json.

To run the checker, execute the following command:

composer run check-dependencies

Mutation testing

Mutation testing is checked with Infection. To run it:

composer run mutation

Static analysis

The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis:

composer run psalm

Unit tests

The code is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests:

composer run test

CI status

build codecov Mutation testing badge static analysis type-coverage StyleCI

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.