
Package for Laravel. This package adds possibility to create migration and model from an existing table

dev-master 2019-09-07 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 22:17:34 UTC


![Latest Version on Packagist][ico-version]


Via Composer

$ composer require yevhenii/laravel-migration-vise-versa


For creating Model from existing table use command:

$ php artisan table:model posts

Where "posts" is name of table.

Will be created :

  • model "Post" with fillable array

For creating Model and Migration from existing table use command:

$ php artisan table:model posts --m

Where "posts" is name of table.

Will be created :

  • model "Post" and migration "create_posts_table"

For creating Migration from existing table use command:

$ php artisan table:migration posts

Where "posts" is name of table.

Will be created :

  • migration file "create_posts_table"

For creating Migration and Model from existing table use command:

$ php artisan table:migration posts --m

Where "posts" is name of table.

Will be created :

  • migration file "create_posts_table" and "Post" Model


If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.


license. Please see the license file for more information.