
There is no license information available for the latest version (2.1) of this package.

simple library for handling medias for projects

2.1 2023-12-19 13:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 14:39:11 UTC


MediaLibrary is a laravel library for handling images in laravel projects . You can upload your images , modify their alt , categorize them into the folders and etc. It also compress your images to 4 different sizes and keeps the original size , so you can access them in client side based on user screen or use it with lazy loading .

Packagist Version License: GPL v3




You can install the package via composer:

 composer require yektadg/medialibrary

Once installed, you should publish the provided assets to create the necessary migration and config files.

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YektaDG\Medialibrary\Providers\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" 


BootStrap 5


Axios Js


Just add the following line at the end of your laravel blade after all javascript codes .

<x-mediaLibrary::ml-init :id="your prefered id(withoutspace)"></x-mediaLibrary::ml-init>

If you want to just access the media library view for using alongside your customized view you can use the following line .

<x-mediaLibrary::media-library :libraryId="your prefered id(withoutspace)"></x-mediaLibrary::media-library>

If you want to use both on the same page beware of id conflict between them .

Then you must add ml-button class to your html button to open the library .

You can use MediaLibrary for different use types ( you can view all usage under this section ) , so you should specify it when defining button .

Sample of defining MediaLibrary for hidden usage :

    Upload Images
<input id="image-holder-1" type="hidden" name="image-holder" class="image-holder">

In above code after clicking on Upload Images MediaLibrary pops up and after selecting images , they will be stored in the hidden input with html id image-holder-1 .

The three first attributes are MediaLibrary attributes .you can see all of MediaLibrary attributes in the below section .


MediaLibrary uses different html attributes on html elements (like buttons,anchor and ...) to handle different situation .

You can see list of attributes below :

Attribute Description
useType Defines the type of element for usage (for now 3 types are supported : hidden , imagePreview , tinymce)
multipleSelect Allows MediaLibrary to select multiple images for use (like when you use tinymce)
useId Refers the html element that holds the images

Note : All attributes and their values are case-sensitive


Limiting Access To Medias

You can limit access to medias by adding accessAllMedia attribute to the Request using laravel middleware.

Here is the example how to do it :

  1. First make a middleware with laravel command php artisan make:middleware CheckAccessMedia
  2. Register your middleware in kernel.php at $routeMiddleware array in Http folder of your project 'CheckMediaAccess' => CheckMediaAccess::class
  3. Then add the alias of your middleware in middleware array in medialibray.php at config folder of your project in this case 'CheckMediaAccess'
  4. Edit your newly created middleware and add your condition for example :
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
       $user = auth()->user();
       $condition = false;
       if ($user && $user->id == 1) {
           $condition = true;
       $request->merge(['accessAllMedia' => $condition]);

       return $next($request);

In above example user with id of 1 can access all of uploaded medias but all other users can only access their medias.

Lazy Loading

MediaLibrary generates images in 4 different size , you can use them for lazy loading . Below code loads images based on user screen size :

 * changes the image tag src based on windwos
$(document).ready(() => {
    let images = [];
    let i = 0;
    $('.resizing').each(function () {
        const sizes = [1280, 1500];
        let src = $(this).attr('originalSrc');
        let name = src.slice(0, src.lastIndexOf('.'))
        let size = getClosest(sizes, $(window).width());
        let ext = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
        let path = name + `-${size}x-${ext}`;

            'id': ++i,
            'element': this,
            'url': path,
    if (images.length > 0) {

 * check if image exists then put it in src else replace it with original Image
function imageExist(images) {
    const result = images.reduce((obj, cur) => ({...obj, []: cur}), {})   //converting to map, {
        'images': images
    }).then(res => { => {
            let element = $(result[el['id']]['element']);
            if (el['element'] == true) {
                element.attr('src', el['url'])       //  setting the new src
            } else {
                element.attr('src', element.attr('originalSrc'))

 * returns the closest number to the window size
 * @param arr
 * @param target
 * @returns {*}
function getClosest(arr, target) {
    if (arr == null) {
    return arr.reduce((prev, current) => Math.abs(current - target) < Math.abs(prev - target) ? current : prev);

Note : you need to define imageExistRoute before above codes;

const imageExistRoute = '{{route('medialibrary.image-exists')}}';

Then you can use lazy loading by adding resizing class and originalSrc attribute to your html image tag .

 <img class="resizing" src="address to your default image"
      originalSrc="address to your real image" alt="">

Note : default image should have low disk size and be a constant image for all pages


You can edit toast.blade.php for changing toast header in resources/views/vendor/yektadg/medialibrary.

For changing toast messages edit mlLang.js in public/vendor/yektadg/medialibrary.