
Shippypro Connector for Laravel

dev-master 2019-10-31 12:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:34:45 UTC


Shippypro connector is a simple PHP library that allows to integrate Shippypro into your project. You can check carrier rates and ship orders.

Add folowing line to config/app.php to providers array

'providers' => [

Then you have to publish configuration. Execute command

    php artisan vendor:publish

After that you have to configure your Shippypro API key in config/shippypro.php

    /* This example uses env file but you can paste in this place your API key */
    'api_key' => env('SHIPPYPRO_API', null),

This is an example integration

$sender = new ShippyproAddress('Jan Kowalski', '/', 'Prosta 20', '/', 'Wrocław', 'DS', '50-419', 'PL', '445544544', 'jankowalski@gmail.com');
$recivier = new ShippyproAddress('Jan Kowalski', '/', 'Prosta 20', '/', 'Wrocław', 'DS', '50-419', 'PL', '445544544', 'jankowalski@gmail.com');
$parcel = new ShippyproParcel('30', '20', '20', '10');
$shipment = new ShippyproShipment(30.00, 'Description');
$array = $shipment->getRates();
$rate = $array->searchByKey('carrier_id', 1081);
if ($rate) {
    $order = $shipment->purchase();