
v1.0 2021-10-07 15:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 21:44:45 UTC


Simple laravel package to use Yalidine dz API

Installation, and Usage Instructions

This package allows you to consume Yalidine dz Api using laravel.

composer require yasserbelhimer/laravel-yalidine-dz-api

First at all generate your api and token in yalidine website https://www.yalidine.com/

Set API ID and API TOKEN in the .env

YALIDINE_API_ID= your yalidine api id
YALIDINE_API_TOKEN= your yalidine api token

Once installed you can do stuff like this:

To know more about arguments and parametres check yalidine API documentation.

Get your parcels:

To get all your parcels pass an empty array to getParcels([]) function.

    $parcels = Yalidine::getParcels([]);

To get some specific parcels pass an array of tracking parcels getParcels($trackings) function.

    $trackings = ['YAL-PAR1','YAL-PAR2'....]; // list of your parcels tracking 
    $parcels = Yalidine::getParcels($trackings);

Create one or many new parcels:

To create new parcels pass an array of parcels to createParcels($parcels) function.

    $parcels = array( // the array that contains all the parcels
        array ( // first parcel
            "address"=>"Cité Kaidi",
            "to_commune_name"=>"Bordj El Kiffan",
            "product_list"=>"Presse à café",
            "freeshipping"=> true,
            "is_stopdesk"=> false,
            "has_exchange"=> 0,
            "product_to_collect" => null
        array ( // second parcel
            "order_id" =>"MySecondOrder",
            "familyname"=>"بن مهيدي",
            "address"=>"حي الياسمين",
            "to_commune_name"=>"Ouled Fayet",
            "product_list"=>"كتب الطبخ",
            "has_exchange"=> false,
        array ( // third parcel
        array( // etc
    $response = Yalidine::createParcels($parcels );

This function will return an array of object:

    "MyFirstOrder": {
        "success": true,
        "order_id": "MyFirstOrder",
        "tracking": "yal-12345A",
        "import_id": 234
    "MySecondOrder": {
        "success": true,
        "order_id": "MySecondOrder",
        "tracking": "yal-67891B",
        "import_id": 234

Delete one or many parcels

To delete parcels pass an array of tracking parcels to deleteParcels($trackings) function.

    $trackings = ['YAL-PAR1','YAL-PAR2'....]; // list of your parcels tracking 
    $deliveryFees = Yalidine::deleteParcels($trackings);

Get the delivery fees

    $deliveryFees = Yalidine::getDeliveryFees();