
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A PHP Yii framework extension to minify JavaScript and CSS files for a web page.

0.2 2015-03-04 10:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 15:45:57 UTC


By Yan Li

Build Status Coverage Status License PayPayl donate button

A PHP Yii framework extension to minify JavaScript and CSS files for a web page.

How does it work?

  1. Minify each JavaScript and CSS files before deployment (during build stage):
    • For each JavaScript/CSS file we have, generated a minified version in same directory, and name it with a .min suffix;
    • e.g. Minified version of ~/src/css/style.css should be named as ~/src/css/style.min.css
  2. Concatenate the JavaScript/CSS files required on the page at run-time


  1. Create a new extension directory for your Yii application: ~/protected/extensions/minify
  2. Download both src/MinifyClientScript.php and LICENSE.md, put them into ~/protected/extensions/minify
  3. Update your Yii application configuration file(usually named /protected/config/main.php) and replace the Yii CClientScript with MinifyClientScript
  4. Before deploying, minify the individual JavaScript and CSS files:
  5. Pack your application sources and deploy

Sample Yii application configuration file:

return array(
    'basePath' => __DIR__ . '/..',
    'name' => 'Your App Name',
    'preload' => array('log'),
    'import' => array(
    'clientScript' => array(
        'class' => 'ext.minify.MinifyClientScript',
        'minify' => !YII_DEBUG, // Disable minifying while developing
        // put all js files before end </body> tag
        // note this setting won't affect css files, they will be put in <head>
        'coreScriptPosition' => CClientScript::POS_END,
        'packages' => array(
            'home_page' => array(
                'baseUrl' => '',
                'js' => array(
                'css' => array(


It requires sticky session from load balance server, otherwise you'll encounter HTTP 404 problems.
