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Base Crud Controller to extend from

0.0.2 2016-10-07 16:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 17:21:09 UTC


Extendable CRUD controller for quick development.


  • Laravel 5.1+
  • Composer


  • composer require yadda/crud

  • Add the following to to the providers section in config/app.php

  • Add the aliases to config/app.php

      'Form' => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class,
      'Html' => Collective\Html\HtmlFacade::class,
  • Publish package config

      php artisan vendor:publish
  • Update config/crud.php as needed

  • Make a controller that extends YaddaBristol\Crud\Controllers\CrudController

      namespace App\Html\Controllers;
      use Yaddabristol\Crud\Controllers\CrudController;
      class ThingController extends CrudController
  • Make a model and corresponding database table

      php artisan make:model Thing
      php artisan make:migration create_thing_table --create=things
  • Override some properties on your controller (see below)

  • Override methods on the controller as needed

  • Maybe define some fields for automatic form creation (see below)

  • Make a website


CRUD is designed to let you use the full power of Laravel without having to write tedious controllers and form and list views. The basic steps for creating a new section are as follows:

  1. Create a database table

    php artisan make:migration create_things_table --create=things
  2. Create a Model

    php artisan make:model Thing
  3. Create a Controller

    php artisan make:controller ThingController
  4. Update your controller so that it extends the CRUD controller. E.g.

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Yaddabristol\Crud\Controllers\CrudController;
    class ThingController extends CrudController {
        // ...

Controller Configuration

You'll want to override some of these things in your controller. See the source code of Controllers\CrudController for more info.

protected $model = Thing::class;
protected $views_dir = 'thing_views';
protected $name_singular = 'Thing';
protected $name_plural = 'Things';
protected $route = 'admin';
protected $rules = [];
protected $messages = [];
protected $paginate = false;
protected $settings = [
  'perpage' => 20,
  'orderby' => 'id',
  'order' => 'ASC'
protected $searchables = ['id'];
protected $group_by = 'id';
protected $has_files = false;
protected $form_fields = [];
protected $table_columns = ['id'];

Form Generation

To automatically generate a form add something like the following to your form.blade.php

@include('crud::partials.autoform', [
  'fields' => $form_fields,
  'model'  => $item

Then populate the form_fields attribute of your controller with an array of fields. E.g.

protected $form_fields = [
    'your_field_name' => [
        'type' => 'text',
        'label' => 'A Text Field',
        'placeholder' => 'Put some text here',
        'help_text' => 'This is a field for entering text',
        'required' => true

Available Options

  • type - The type of input to use. Options: checkbox, file, image, radio, slug, text, textarea, wysiwyg. Default: 'text'.
  • label - The text label for your field. Default: the name with first letters capitalised.
  • class - Additional class[es] to apply to the input element.
  • fieldset_class - Additional class[es] to apply to the fieldset element.
  • placeholder - The placeholder text. Default: ''.
  • help_text - Extra help text. Default: ''.
  • required - Make the field required. Defaults to false.
  • source - Slug fields only. Required. The name of the field to auto-populate content from.
  • rows - Textarea fields only. Number of rows height the input area is.
  • choices - Radio/select fields only. An array of available choices. Array index represents input value, array key represents input label.
  • model - Select fields only. A model to get choices from. See also name_column and value_column.
  • name_column - Select fields only. The column name on model to use as a label.
  • value_column - Select fields only. The column name on model to use as a value. Defaults to 'id'.
  • multiple - Select fields only. Allow selecting multiple values.


The image field type assumes the use of Laravel Stapler for attaching images to models. If you don't want to use that, you can easily override the image field type or create your own. Just copy crud/src/Views/fields/image.blade.php to {YOUR_APP}/resources/views/fields/image.blade.php.

Usage Notes

Default Values

To add default values in a create form, set protected $attributes = []; on your model.



Remember to set up the fillable attribute on your Model, otherwise it will fail with a mass assignment exception on _token.

File uploads

If you add a file/image field to a form, you'll need to set protected $has_files = true; on your controller.


Need to add line to base-install under autoload - PSR4 when developing from the packages folder: "Yaddabristol\\Crud\\": "packages/yadda/crud/src/".

You'll need to require the laravelcollective/html package from your base install as you'll be developing in the packages folder and it won't automatically register it's requirements


To generate the docs use apigen:

apigen generate -s src -d docs


  • Split out search stuff into a separate trait