
Telegram Bot API SDK for PHP 8.1+

7.9.2 2024-08-22 14:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 15:11:10 UTC



composer req yabx/telegram

Sending messages

use Yabx\Telegram\BotApi;

// Create an BotApi client instance
$tg = new BotApi('123:qwe');

// Sending message
$message = $tg->sendMessage(12345, 'Hello World!');

Working with webhooks

use Yabx\Telegram\BotApi;

// Create an BotApi client instance
$tg = new BotApi('123:qwe');

// Set webhook

// Get webhook info
$webhook = $tg->getWebhookInfo();

Receiving updates from webhook

use Yabx\Telegram\BotApi;

// Parse telegram webhook
$update = BotApi::getUpdateFromRequest();
// or
$update = BotApi::getUpdateFromJson($json);

// Get Message object
$message = $update->getMessage();

// Get Sender and Chat objects
$sender = $message->getFrom();
$chat = $message->getChat();

// Get some message attributes
$text = $message->getText();
$video = $message->getVideo();
$photos = $message->getPhotos();
$document = $message->getDocument();