
A mysql data masking tool with Laravel

v1.0.4 2020-04-27 06:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 17:30:44 UTC


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composer require --dev y-ui/laravel-data-masking ^1.0


If you’re on Laravel 5.5 or later the package will be auto-discovered.

Otherwise you will need to manually configure it in your config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:



Simple usage

1.scan database and generate config file config/data-masking.php

php artisan data:scan

2.Edit config file data-masking.php


php artisan data:mask


#Specify the name of the table to scan
php artisan data:scan --tables=users,orders

#Update only data that meets the criteria
php artisan data:mask --tables=users --where='id>100'

Config File

You can customize any character

'name' => ''          nothing to do
'name' => '*:1-'      Tom => ***  Replace all characters
'name' => '0:2-4'     William => W000iam
'name' => '0:3-5'     Tom => To000
'phone' => '*:4-7'    18666666666 => 186****6666
'phone' => '123:4-'   18666666666 => 18612312312
'phone' => '*:1~2'    18666666666 => 1********66  Keep the first and end character
'email' => 'email:3-' production@google.com => pr********@google.com  Replace only the characters before @
'name' => 'text:Alex' everything => Alex  Replace all value to text 

You can also use faker to replace column

'address' => 'faker:address'
'date' => "faker:date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now')"
'name' => 'faker:name'

If there is a field with a content of 0-9, you want to set it all to 2

'cloumn_name' => '2:1-' //This is faster than using faker

Faker wiki https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker

If you want to use chinese, open config/app.php add 'faker_locale' => 'zh_CN',