
v8.1.1 2024-04-22 15:03 UTC


Build status on GitHub XP Framework Module BSD Licence Requires PHP 7.0+ Supports PHP 8.0+ Latest Stable Version

The Markdown syntax implemented for the XP Framework.


To transform markdown to HTML, all that is necessary is the following:

use net\daringfireball\markdown\Markdown;

$engine= new Markdown();
$transformed= $engine->transform(
  'This is [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) for **XP**'

The implementation is based on a parse tree. To work with the tree, you can use the parse() method, which returns a net.daringfireball.markdown.ParseTree instance.

use net\daringfireball\markdown\{Markdown, ToHtml};
use io\streams\TextReader;
use io\File;

$engine= new Markdown();

$tree= $engine->parse($markdown);
$tree= $engine->parse(new TextReader(new File('file.md')));

// ...work with tree...

$transformed= $tree->emit(new ToHtml());

You can control the URLs used in the href and src attributes of links and images, respectively, by using URL rewriting API:

use net\daringfireball\markdown\{ToHtml, URLs, Rewriting};

$emitter= new ToHtml(new URLs(Rewriting::absolute()

$transformed= $engine->transform($markdown, [], $emitter);
$transformed= $engine->parse($markdown)->emit($emitter);