
Simple SMS Gateway Package for sending short text messages from your Application. Facade for Laravel 5.Currently supported Gateways Clickatell , MVaayoo, Gupshup, SmsAchariya, SmsCountry , SmsLane , Nexmo, Mocker / Any HTTP/s based Gateways are supported by Custom Gateway. Log gateway can be used fo

dev-master 2018-07-13 14:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 15:04:53 UTC


Simple SMS Gateway Package for sending short text messages from your Application. Facade for Laravel 5(Updated to work with Laravel 5.5).Currently supported Gateways Sparrow, Clickatell, MVaayoo, Gupshup, SmsAchariya, SmsCountry, SmsLane, Nexmo, Mocker / Any HTTP/s based Gateways are supported by Custom Gateway. Log gateway can be used for testing.


     composer require xilwal/sms
  1. Or Edit the composer.json add to the require array & run composer update
     "xilwal/sms": "dev-master" 
     composer update 
  2. (Optional for Laravel 5.5) Add the service provider to the config/app.php file in Laravel
  3. (Optional for Laravel 5.5) Add an alias for the Facade to the config/app.php file in Laravel
     'Sms' => Xilwal\Sms\Facades\Sms::class, 
  4. Publish the config & views by running
     php artisan vendor:publish 


Edit the config/sms.php. Set the appropriate Gateway and its parameters. Then in your code...
Put your blade template for the SMS in the resources/views/sms folder. Then use the below lines of code to send SMS.

use Xilwal\Sms\Facades\Sms;  

Send Single SMS:-

// Params: [MobileNumber,Blade View Location,SMS Params If Required]
Sms::send('9090909090','sms.test',['param1'=>'Name 1']);  

Send Multiple SMS:-

// Params: [Array of MobileNumbers,Blade View Location,SMS Params If Required]
Sms::send(['87686655455','1212121212','2323232323'],'sms.test',['param1'=>'Name 1']);  

Select the Gateway before sending the Message:-

//Gateways ::  Log / Clickatell / Gupshup / MVaayoo / SmsAchariya / SmsCountry / SmsLane / Nexmo / Mocker / Custom
// Default is Log
Sms::gateway('NameOfGateway')->send(['87686655455','1212121212','2323232323'],'sms.test',['param1'=>'Name 1']);  

With Response:-

// This command gives you the reply recieved from the server.
Sms::send(['87686655455','1212121212','2323232323'],'sms.test',['param1'=>'Name 1'])->response();  

Custom Gateway Let us suppose you want to use any other gateway. Find the API url with which sms can be sent. For Example : http://example.com/api/sms.php?uid=737262316a&pin=YOURPIN&sender=your_sender_id&route=0&mobile=8888888888&message=How are You&pushid=1

Then you can setup the Config of Custom Gateway like this:

        'custom' => [                           
             'url' => 'http://example.com/api/sms.php?',
             'params' => [
                 'send_to_name' => 'mobile',
                 'msg_name' => 'message',
                 'others' => [
                     'uid' => '737262316a',
                     'pin' => 'YOURPIN',
                     'sender' => 'your_sender_id',
                     'route' => '0',
                     'pushid' => '1',
             'add_code' => true,