
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Drupal site testing helper.

1.0.1 2015-04-25 09:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-14 00:30:18 UTC


Circle CI Travis CI Scrutinizer Code Quality

Helps with testing of Drupal sites.

Testing of Drupal sites using Behat, Selenium, Codeception or other "browser based" methods, involves a lot of setting up and configuration, both locally and on CI servers. Proctor tries to automate as much as possible.


Install Proctor and its dependencies in a tests folder in the Drupal root:

composer require xendk/proctor:~0.1

The reason for using a composer file inside the test folder is that it keeps the tests tools outside of Drupals dependencies. Drupal 8 beta 10 and CodeCeption 2.* depends on incompatible versions of phpunit, and future clashes is non unthinkable as Drupal includes more libraries.

Commit the tests/composer.json and tests/composer.lock files.


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor config:init

To initialize a ~/.proctor.yml configuration file. Edit the file and supply mysql credentials for your local environment. This allows Proctor to create test sites.


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor setup:drupal @alias

Where @alias is a Drush alias to sync database and files from. This can be the production site, a staging site or a site used exclusively as source for tests.


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor build test.mysite.dev

This will create a new test.mysite.dev site in sites/, add it to sites/sites.php, sync the database and files and clear the cache on the site. You now have a fresh test site. Re-running the command will overwrite the site with a fresh copy.

Now you're ready to add tests. You can place Behat tests in tests/behat/, Codeception tests in tests/codecept, and Proctor will run the appropriate tool (further testing frameworks might be forthcoming).


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor use test.mysite.dev

This will fix up Behat/Codeception YAML config files to point at the hostname being tested. To mark an URL for fixing, append # proctor:host to the end of the line.


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor prepare

To start Selenium Server. You can either configure the path to the Selenium Server JAR file in ~/.proctor.yml, or add the --fetch switch to download it.


./tests/vendor/bin/proctor run

To run all tests locally.


Proctor knows about Circle CI, so to run tests there, you need a circle.yml that looks something like this:

    # Add composer global bin dir to path, needed to find drush.
    PATH: $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
    # Currently Proctor needs to have the PHP version specified in here.
    version: 5.4.21

    # Install Proctor and dependencies.
    - composer install --no-interaction:
      pwd: tests
    # Install Drush
    - composer --prefer-source --no-interaction global require drush/drush:6.2.0
    # This will make sending mail from PHP not fail.
    - echo "sendmail_path = /bin/true" > ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv global)/etc/conf.d/sendmail.ini
    - "~/.composer"
    # Cache the Selenium Server JAR file here.
    - "~/aux"
    # Prepare Apache virtual host.
    - ./tests/vendor/bin/proctor setup:circle
    # Start Selenium Server in the background.
    - ./tests/vendor/bin/proctor prepare --fetch --selenium-dir ~/aux:
        background: true
    # Temporary hack. This ensures that the Drush command that Proctor uses
    # for syncing doesn't get the message from SSH about a new host. It
    # messes things up.
    - ssh drush-user@hostname echo "test"
    # Build site.
    - ./tests/vendor/bin/proctor build default
    # And fix Behat/Codeception files to point at it.
    - ./tests/vendor/bin/proctor use localhost:8080

    # Run the tests.
    - ./tests/vendor/bin/proctor run