
PHPUnit library for WordPress

dev-master 2025-02-20 14:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 14:40:31 UTC


A code library for WP Syntex projects, containing:

  • scripts to install the WordPress test suite,
  • scripts to install the required plugins and themes,
  • scripts for building and distributing the project,
  • bootstraps allowing to init unit and integration tests,
  • helpers for the tests.

How to

Install the test suite

The test suite is installed in your project's tmp folder.

To tell the installation script how to connect to your database, you can create a DB-CONFIG file at the root of your project and formatted like follow (the file is not versioned with git of course).
Each line is optional, the default values are:

db_host: localhost
db_name: wordpress_tests
db_user: root
db_pass: '' (an empty string)

Install the dependencies

The plugins and themes are installed in your project's tmp folder.

Create a install-plugins.sh file that launches all the downloads. Example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

. "$PWD/vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/wp-download-tools.sh"

mkdir -p $WP_PLUGINS_DIR
mkdir -p $WP_THEMES_DIR

# Install WP All Import Pro.
downloadPluginFromEdd wp-all-import-pro 'WP All Import' https://www.wpallimport.com

# Install Polylang Pro.

# Install Polylang for WooCommerce.

# Install WooCommerce.

# Install TwentyFourteen.
downloadThemeFromRepository twentyfourteen

Note: two variables are available for you to use: $WP_PLUGINS_DIR and $WP_THEMES_DIR. They contain the path to tmp/plugins and tmp/themes respectively, where the plugins and themes are installed. Those folders are not created by default so don't forget to do mkdir -p $WP_PLUGINS_DIR and/or mkdir -p $WP_THEMES_DIR like in the previous example, before using the download functions.

Premium plugins installed from EDD need a bit more attention because they need a license key. You can provide it by creating a LICENSE-CODES file at the root of your project and formatted like follow (the file is not versioned with git of course):


Depending on EDD config, the site line may not be required.
Also, if your plugin from EDD doesn't require a license key, do the following:

license {PLUGIN-SLUG}:none

Composer scripts

Then you can create composer scripts like these ones for example:

    "scripts": {
        "install-suite": "vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/install-wp-suite.sh",
        "install-suite-with-db": "vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/install-wp-suite.sh latest true",
        "install-plugins": "Tests/bin/install-plugins.sh",
        "install-tests": [
        "install-tests-with-db": [
        "build": "vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/build.sh",
        "build-update": "vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/build.sh -- -u",
        "dist": "vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/bin/distribute.sh -- polylang-foobar"
    "scripts-descriptions": {
        "install-suite": "Installs the WordPress tests suite (without installing the database).",
        "install-suite-with-db": "Installs the WordPress tests suite (with database creation).",
        "install-plugins": "Installs dependencies needed for integration tests.",
        "install-tests": "Installs both the WordPress tests suite (without installing the database) and the dependencies needed for integration tests.",
        "install-tests-with-db": "Installs both the WordPress tests suite (with database creation) and the dependencies needed for integration tests, without creating the database.",
        "build": "Builds the project.",
        "build-update": "Builds the project (runs `composer update` instead of `composer install`).",
        "dist": "Makes the zip file to distibute the project release."

Integration tests

Bootstrap for integration tests

Example for your bootstrap.php file:

 * Bootstraps the Polylang Foobar integration tests
 * php version 7.0
 * @package WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration

namespace WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration;

use function WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\bootstrapSuite;

require dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/UnitTests/Integration/bootstrap.php';

    dirname( __DIR__ ), // Path to the directory containing all tests.
    '7.0.0', // The PHP version required to run this test suite.
        'plugins' => [
            'polylang-pro/polylang.php'                            => true,
            'woocommerce/woocommerce.php'                          => [
                'group' => 'WithWoo',
                'init'  => '\WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\WooCommerce\Bootstrap::initWoocommerce',
            'polylang-wc/polylang-wc.php'                          => [
                'group' => 'WithWoo',
            dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/polylang-foobar.php' => true,
        ], // A list of plugins to include and activate.

The previous code will:

  • Require polylang.php and polylang-foobar.php.
  • Require woocommerce.php and polylang-wc.php if --group=WithWoo is used when invoking phpunit.
  • Call \WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\WooCommerce\Bootstrap::initWoocommerce() after woocommerce.php is required.

Use the trait in your integration tests

You can use the trait WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\TestCaseTrait in your integration tests.

Hint: if you need to create your own methods set_up(), wpSetUpBeforeClass, etc, you can't simply call the ones from the trait with parent:: like you would with parent/child classes. In this case you can do that:

 * Test Case for all of the integration tests.
 * php version 7.0
 * @package WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration

namespace WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration;

use WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\TestCaseTrait;
use WP_UnitTest_Factory;
use WP_UnitTestCase;

abstract class AbstractTestCase extends WP_UnitTestCase {
    use TestCaseTrait {
        wpSetUpBeforeClass as private traitWpSetUpBeforeClass;
        set_up as private traitSetUp;

    public static function wpSetUpBeforeClass( WP_UnitTest_Factory $factory ) {
        self::traitWpSetUpBeforeClass( $factory );
        // Do things.

    public function set_up() {
        // Do more things.

If you need to list some plugins among the "active ones" (get_option( 'active_plugins' )) for your integration tests (this may be required for some plugins that test which plugins are active), you can create a class like this one in your tests:

 * Test Case for all of the integration tests.
 * php version 7.0
 * @package WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration

namespace WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Integration;

use WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Integration\TestCaseTrait;
use WP_UnitTestCase;

 * Test Case for all of the integration tests.
abstract class AbstractTestCase extends WP_UnitTestCase {
    use TestCaseTrait;

     * List of active plugins.
     * @var array<string>
    protected $activePlugins = [

Some helpers are available in your tests, like toying with reflections or getting test data. You can find them in the TestCaseTrait trait.

Unit tests

Bootstrap for unit tests

Example for your bootstrap.php file:

 * Bootstraps the Polylang Foobar Unit Tests.
 * php version 7.0
 * @package WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Unit

namespace WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Unit;

use function WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Unit\bootstrapSuite;

require dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ) . '/vendor/wpsyntex/wp-phpunit/UnitTests/Unit/bootstrap.php';

bootstrapSuite( dirname( __DIR__ ), '7.0.0' );

Extend the abstract class in your unit tests

You can extend WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Unit\AbstractTestCase in your unit tests.

Brain\Monkey is available in your unit tests, since it is included in Yoast\WPTestUtils.

In your tests you can mock WordPress' most common functions by setting two custom properties. And like for integration tests, some helpers are available in your tests, from the TestCaseTrait trait.

 * Tests for `WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\barbaz()`.
 * php version 7.0
 * @package WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Unit

namespace WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\Tests\Unit;

use WP_Syntex\Polylang_Phpunit\Unit\AbstractTestCase;

 * Tests for `WP_Syntex\Polylang_Foobar\barbaz()`.
class Barbaz extends AbstractTestCase {

     * Stubs the WP native translation functions in the set_up().
     * @var bool
    protected static $stubTranslationFunctions = true;

     * Stubs the WP native escaping functions in the set_up().
     * @var bool
    protected static $stubEscapeFunctions = true;