
WP-CLI Global Configuration Command.

v1.0.4 2020-02-28 09:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 10:59:35 UTC


Build Status GitHub Packagist Version

WP-CLI has a series of global parameters (e.g. --path= and --user=) which work with all commands.

This config saved in config.yml or wp-cli.yml files. [WP-CLI Document].

With this package, you can easily add, delete or edit WP-CLI global parameters in the command line and you no longer need to edit the source settings file.

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Table of Contents


You can install this package with:

wp package install wp-packagist/wp-cli-global-config-command

Installing this package requires WP-CLI v2 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update.



  wp global-config


  Global Configuration.


  wp global-config <command>


  get         Show Custom Config.
  list        Show Configuration list.
  remove      Remove Config Parameter.
  reset       Reset Configuration.
  set         Set new config.

For All commands in this package, you can use --local flag for process in a local config file current working directory [wp-cli.local.yml].


List of WP-CLI global config Commands:

Show list

For show list all global parameters:

wp global-config list

also for show list of all global config in the current directory:

wp global-config list --local

Set New Config


wp global-config set <key> <value> [--local]

For example, set new path:

wp global-config set path ~/wp-cli/site
Set new config with the boolean value
wp global-config set color false
Set new config with the number value
wp global-config set my-custom-number 100
Set new config with the array value

use JSON Format.

wp global-config set disabled_commands '["db drop","plugin install"]'
Set new config with the null value
wp global-config set db_pass null
Set new config with space in key
wp global-config set "config create" new_value
Set new config with empty value
wp global-config set db_pass ''

Set new config with nested array key

you can use : caharacter per level.

wp global-config set @staging:user <value>

example 2:

wp global-config set @staging:user:ID 32

example 3:

disable plugin install command only in the current directory project.

wp global-config set disabled_commands '["plugin install"]' --local

Get Config Value


wp global-config get <key> [--local]

For example:

wp global-config get port

or for local config:

wp global-config get url --local

Remove Config Value


wp global-config remove <key>

for example:

wp global-config remove path
wp global-config remove color --local

You can also nested key name in this command.

wp global-config remove key_1:key_2_child

Reset Configuration

wp global-config reset

For local current directory config:

wp global-config reset --local



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