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Options library for the framework Launchpad

v3.1.0 2024-12-15 20:50 UTC


This module provides options facades.

For that we have 3 types of options:

  • Options: Regular options.
  • Transients: Temporary options.
  • Settings: Plugin settings all saved in the same place.


To install the library run the following command: composer require wp-launchpad/framework-options-take-off


Options are build around inflectors which add automatically facades to the objects aware about them.

For the Options you should implement the interface LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Interfaces\OptionsAwareInterface and the trait LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Traits\OptionsAwareTrait. For the Transients you should implement the interface LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Interfaces\TransientsAwareInterface and the trait LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Traits\TransientsAwareTrait. For the Settings you should implement the interface LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Interfaces\SettingsAwareInterface and the trait LaunchpadFrameworkOptions\Traits\SettingsAwareTrait.