a WordPress Starter Theme

Installs: 22

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.6 2018-01-03 03:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 10:37:11 UTC


Ship is a WordPress Starter Theme standing on the shoulders of giants like Underscores, UnderStrap, and Sage.

We called it "Ship" because it helps us ship great web experiences, faster. That speed is achieved through some highly opinionated decisions about tools and process; if you want variety, fork Ship to create your own, or use Sage.

Why you should "Ship" your next WordPress Theme:

  • It's completely free (as in beer: GPL-2.0)
  • Sass stylesheets based on Bootstrap 4
  • Mobile-first, responsive design
  • Uses NPM to manage dependencies (bye Bower!)
  • Build script included, based on Laravel Mix (Webpack in a beautiful disguise)
  • Auto-minify, concatenate, and version CSS and JS
  • Traditional PHP templates or go DRY with Laravel Blade (requires PHP 7)
  • Jetpack ready
  • WooCommerce support
  • Contact Form 7 support
  • Translation ready

Other features, in progress:


Ship is released under the terms of the GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version


If you need or can support this project, please head over to issues


See changelog

Starting a new project

You'll need to have Composer installed.

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Run composer create-project withfatpanda/ship "your/theme/path"
  3. Answer the on-screen questions


Ship wants your workflow to be as painless as possible. Below we move quickly through several topics that might be new to you, among them Dependency Management, Builds, and Asset Loading.

For those of you who want a quicker start instead, it goes something like this:

  • Install Composer and NPM
  • Create a new Ship project (your theme) with composer: composer create-project withfatpanda/ship "path/to/your/project"
  • Install front-end dependencies: npm install
  • Start your watcher (builds your front-end in the background as you edit your code): npm build watch
  • Put your theme's scripts into src/js/theme.js
  • Build Customizer features in src/js/customizer.js
  • Style your theme in src/sass/theme/_theme.scss
  • Style the content in the admin editors in src/sass/custom-editor-style.scss
  • Finish dev, test, distribute

Installing Dependencies

All of Ship's JS and CSS is built upon a core set of dependencies, chief among them being Bootstrap.

Your new build system, Laravel Mix, also loads as a dependency.

All of these dependencies are managed through NPM. If you don't have NPM installed, you'll need to do that first.

Next, from the root of your theme project, run npm install.

All of your theme's dependencies will appear in a folder named node_modules/. There are going to be a lot of files—don't let this freak you out, and welcome to modern JavaScript development.

Once your dependencies have loaded, you can test-build by running the following command: npm run dev.

If you get a "Compiled successfully..." message, then it's all working. If you don't, post your issue here.

Front-end source files

The JS and CSS source files that underpin your new theme are as follows—there are other files in there too, but those listed below are the ones relevant to learning this part:

├── src
    ├── img
    │   ├── header.jpg
    ├── js
    │   ├── customizer.js
    │   └── theme.js
    └── sass
        ├── theme
        │   ├── _theme.scss
        │   └── _variables.scss
        ├── custom-editor-style.scss
        └── theme.scss

You'll want to put your theme's JavaScript into src/js/theme.js and/or load other modules of code into that file.

You'll want to put your theme's styles into src/sass/theme/_theme.scss and/or load other modules of code into that file.

Other front-end source files:

img/header.jpg is an example so that you know where to place static imagery for your theme; files placed here are optimized and copied to public assets during the build

js/customizer.js is where you can write code that will load into the Customizer; there are some examples therein

js/theme.js is where you write code that will load into every view of your theme

sass/theme/_theme.scss is where you write SCSS for your theme's main stylesheet

sass/theme/_variables.scss is where you set variables that influence Bootstrap's styles as well as those in your theme

sass/custom-editor-style.scss is where you write SCSS to generate a stylesheet that loads inside TinyMCE; the default just loads your theme's main stylesheet and adds some padding to the <body> tag

sass/theme.scss knits together all of your theme-specific SCSS code with Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and a bit of magic from the Underscores and UnderStrap projects


Building your front-end code is as simple as running scripts with NPM at the command line. Just open your terminal, switch to the root of your theme project, and run any of the following:

npm run dev This will build your JS and CSS unminified and (when we finish building it) using development environment settings

npm run watch Use this command for active development sessions—it will build dev versions of your JS and CSS, unminified, and will begin "watching" your raw source files, recompiling them into the built output anytime you make a change

npm run hot Coming soon: Live Reloading; basically just like the watch command, except any changes to raw source files (including PHP files) result in your browser refreshing automatically, too

npm run production This will build minified and versioned copies of your JS and CSS, ready for distribution

npm run dist This will build distribution-ready copies of your JS and CSS, just like the production command; then, this command creates a clean copy of your theme in dist/ ready to ship without all of the dev stuff (build config files, raw JS and Sass code)

Your built source files

Running any of the front-end build scripts above will generate and place files into an assets/ folder in the root of your project:

├── assets
    ├── css
    │   ├── custom-editor-style.css
    │   ├── custom-editor-style.css.map
    │   ├── theme.css
    │   └── theme.css.map
    ├── fonts
    │   └── ... all the fonts extracted during the build
    ├── img
    │   └── ... all the images from src/img
    ├── js
    │   ├── customizer.js
    │   ├── customizer.js.map
    │   ├── theme.js
    │   └── theme.js.map
    └── mix-manifest.json

The relationships between these compiled files and the raw source files should be fairly straight-forward (Tip: they're all named the same), but of special note is the mix-manifest.json file.

The mix-manifest.json file, generated automatically during each build, establishes versions for your compiled files, i.e., versioning. When using asset loading (see below), the file version numbers are automatically appended to their URLs—this helps to force expiration of these resources from visitors' browsers, keeping their experience of your theme up-to-date.

Loading assets

When loading a theme asset via PHP, use the global function asset($path) where $path is relative to your theme's assets folder. For example, invoking asset('css/theme.css') would generate a URL for your theme's main stylesheet. For an example in context, refer to the script src/php/inc/enqueue.php.

Live reloading

Coming soon.

Sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets

If you're not using a CSS preprocessor to build your stylesheets, you're wasting a lot of time. If you've only ever used LESS, making the leap to Sass is fairly straightforward, and like us, we think you'll find Sass to be more robust and better-supported. Learn more about Sass here.

ES6 and CommonJS

More details coming soon.

Customizing your build

Your front-end build is powered by NPM and Laravel Mix (Webpack). The build commands described above in Building can be found in your package.json file in the section named scripts. They all ultimately invoke Webpack builds by way of Laravel Mix.

Laravel Mix can be configured by editing webpack.mix.js. Most of the functions available to you for automating your builds are listed in this configuration file. You can also read Mix's documentation here.

RTL styles?

Just add a new file to the themes root folder called rtl.css. Add all alignments to this file according to this description: https://codex.wordpress.org/Right_to_Left_Language_Support

Single-Page Application Themes

Coming soon.

Licenses & Credits
