
Development Bundle includes Seeders and Sql sync tools.

1.0.5 2017-04-29 10:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 21:19:46 UTC


Some helpful command line tools to operate database for development.

Table of Content

Installation via Composer

cd /to/your/joomla

composer create-project windwalker/rad-development-bundle libraries/windwalker-bundles/DevelopmentBundle 1.*


Windwalker Console - version: 2.1

# system commands ...

  seed         The data seeder help you create fake data.
    import       Import seeders.
    clear        Clear seeders.

  sql          SQL sync & diff tools.
    backup       Backup sql.
    col          Column operation
    export       Export sql.
    import       Import a sql file.
    profile      Profiles.
    restore      Restore to pervious point.
    table        Model operation.

SQL Sync

Windwalker Sqlsync is a powerful SQL compare & diff tools help developers update their SQL schema.

Why Not Migration Tools?

Actually, we are developing a migration tools for Joomla & Windwalker now, but migration is not so suitable for Joomla CMS, sometimes we will want to sync Joomla articles, modules, extensions and menus to your production server. Migration tools are hard to do this.

So, using Sqlsync tools will help you compare sql schema between your local & remote machine, simply run export in your local, and git track all schema YAML files. Then push your files to remote server and run import, all schemas will update to remote.

Currently Sqlsync are weak on column name change, you can use hooks to do this.

Export & Import SQL Schema

php bin/windwalker sql export

php bin/windwalker sql import

Scheam will export to resources/sqlsync/default/schema.yml

Track Tables

Table track information stores in resources/sqlsync/default/track.yml

Default is:

    '#__assets': all
    '#__associations': all
    '#__banner_clients': all
    '#__banner_tracks': all
    '#__banners': all
    '#__categories': all
    '#__contact_details': all
    '#__content': all
    '#__content_frontpage': all
    '#__content_rating': all
    '#__content_types': all
    '#__contentitem_tag_map': all
    '#__core_log_searches': all
    '#__extensions': all
    '#__finder_filters': cols
    '#__finder_links': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms0': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms1': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms2': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms3': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms4': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms5': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms6': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms7': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms8': cols
    '#__finder_links_terms9': cols
    '#__finder_links_termsa': cols
    '#__finder_links_termsb': cols
    '#__finder_links_termsc': cols
    '#__finder_links_termsd': cols
    '#__finder_links_termse': cols
    '#__finder_links_termsf': cols
    '#__finder_taxonomy': cols
    '#__finder_taxonomy_map': cols
    '#__finder_terms': cols
    '#__finder_terms_common': all
    '#__finder_tokens': cols
    '#__finder_tokens_aggregate': cols
    '#__finder_types': cols
    '#__languages': all
    '#__menu': all
    '#__menu_types': all
    '#__messages': all
    '#__messages_cfg': all
    '#__modules': all
    '#__modules_menu': all
    '#__newsfeeds': all
    '#__overrider': all
    '#__postinstall_messages': all
    '#__redirect_links': all
    '#__schemas': all
    '#__session': cols
    '#__tags': all
    '#__template_styles': all
    '#__ucm_base': all
    '#__ucm_content': all
    '#__ucm_history': all
    '#__update_sites': all
    '#__update_sites_extensions': all
    '#__updates': cols
    '#__user_keys': all
    '#__user_notes': all
    '#__user_profiles': all
    '#__user_usergroup_map': all
    '#__usergroups': all
    '#__users': all
    '#__utf8_conversion': all
    '#__viewlevels': all

There are 3 track rules:

  • all - Track all data, always refresh data when import & export.
  • cols - Only track table columns, do not refresh data.
  • none - Ignore this table

All table which not list in track.yml will be none.

Sync Track Tables

If you installed a new component, there may be multiple tables added to ypur database, you can run:

php bin/windwalker sql table sync

To auto add all non-tracked table to track.yml


This command help you check table track information.

php bin/windwalker sql status



You can change profile by use

# List profile
php bin/windwalker sql profile

# Create & checkout profile
php bin/windwalker sql profile create test
php bin/windwalker sql profile checkout test

Now you can export schema to other profile, this is very similar to git branches.

Quick import & export to profile

You don't need to always checkout profiles, add profiles as arguments in commands.

# Single profile
php bin/windwalker sql export test

# Multiple profiles
php bin/windwalker sql export default foo bar test

# Ignore checking prompt
php bin/windwalker sql export default foo bar test -y

# Export all profiles
php bin/windwalker sql export --all -y

This operations can support export / import both commands.

Rename Column

Modify From property in your schema files.

  oldname: { Field: newname, ... , From: [oldname, oldname2] }

All oldnames in From property will convert to newname

Currently Sqlsync are weak on column name change, try avoid to do this operation.

Export & Import Hooks

Add these files to profile folder.


And simply write your script to do something.

// resources/sqlsync/default/pre-import.php

if (!JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug'))
    throw new \Exception('STOP importing, please enable debug mode to do any DB operations.');

// Or do some advanced DB actions, for instance, rename column or remove indexes.
JFactory::getDbo()->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ...')->execute();


Windwalker Developement Bundle provides a simple seeder and faker tools to help you generate fake data.

Open resources/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php, you will see DatabaseSeeder default class:

Add a new seeder class at resources/seeders/ProductSeeder.php

use Faker\Factory;
use Windwalker\Data\Data;
use Windwalker\DataMapper\DataMapper;

class ProductSeeder extends \DevelopmentBundle\Seeder\AbstractSeeder
	public function doExecute()
		$faker = Factory::create();
		$mapper = new DataMapper('#__mycomponent_products');
		$categories = (new DataMapper('#__categories'))->findColumn('id', ['extension' => 'com_mycomponent']);
		$userIds = (new DataMapper('#__users'))->id;

		foreach (range(1, 200) as $i)
			$data = new Data;
			$user_id = JFactory::getUser()->id;

			$data['catid']        = $faker->randomElement($categories);
			$data['title']        = $faker->sentence(rand(3, 5));
			$data['alias']        = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($data['title']);
			$data['temperature']  = $faker->randomElement(['normal', 'refrigeration', 'freeze']);
			$data['price']        = rand(5000, 10000)/100;
			$data['location']     = $faker->country;
			$data['description']  = $faker->paragraph(5);
			$data['image']        = $faker->imageUrl();
			$data['state']        = $faker->randomElement([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]);
			$data['created']      = $faker->dateTimeThisMonth->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
			$data['created_by']   = $faker->randomElement($userIds);
			$data['modified']     = $faker->dateTimeThisMonth->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
			$data['modified_by']  = $faker->randomElement($userIds);
			$data['params']       = '';


			$this->command->out('.', false);

	public function doClear()

And set this class to DatabaseSeeder, you must sort seeders by denpendencies.

// ...

	public function doExecute()
		$this->execute(new CategorySeeder);

		$this->execute(new ProductSeeder);

		$this->execute(new OrderSeeder);

	public function doClear()
		$this->clear(new CategorySeeder);

		$this->clear(new ProductSeeder);

		$this->clear(new OrderSeeder);

Now run seeder by:

php bin/windwalker seed import

Or clear it

php bin/windwalker seed export