willywes / apiresponse
Class to generate a standard structure for api json responses
Installs: 1 459
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 1
Forks: 1
Open Issues: 0
- illuminate/support: ~5|~6|~7|~8|~9|~10
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ~5|~6
- phpunit/phpunit: ~9.0
Class to generate a standard structure for api json responses.
Via Composer
$ composer require willywes/apiresponse
use Willywes\ApiResponse\ApiResponse;
Functions of Control (HTTP/200 OK)
Default functions that always return a http 200 code, but have a control state.
Param | Description |
data | array of data for response (allow null) |
message | custom message to response (optional) |
title | custom title to response (optional) |
Function | Description |
JsonSuccess | Response status "success" with HTTP 200 |
JsonError | Response status "error" with HTTP 200 |
JsonWarning | Response status "warning" with HTTP 200 |
JsonInfo | Response status "info" with HTTP 200 |
JsonFieldValidation | Response status "field_validation" with HTTP 200 |
JsonFieldValidationError | Response status "field_validation" with HTTP 422 |
Success example
//Execution in php return ApiResponse::JsonSuccess([ 'user' => User::first(), 'roles' => Role::all(), ]);
//Response { "status":"success", "title":"OperaciĆ³n Exitosa.", "message": null, "data":{ "user":{ "id":1, "full_name":"John Smith", "email":"jsmith@test.cl", "role_id":1 }, "roles":[ { "id":1, "name":"God Admin" }, { "id":2, "name":"Administrator" } ] } }
//HTTP Response Status Code: 200 OK
Error example
//Execution in php return ApiResponse::JsonError(null, 'something has gone wrong!', 'oops');
//Response { "status":"error", "title":"oops", "message":"something has gone wrong!", "data": null }
//HTTP Response Status Code: 200 OK
Functions with specific HTTP Code
Default functions that returns a specific http code, but in the same way the body responds
Param | Description |
data | array of data for response (allow null) |
message | custom message to response (optional) |
Functions Code HTTP 1XX
Http Code | Function Name | Description |
100 | Http100 or Continue | Response status "info" with HTTP 100 |
101 | Http101 or SwitchingProtocols | Response status "info" with HTTP 101 |
102 | Http102 or Processing | Response status "info" with HTTP 102 |
103 | Http103 or EarlyHints | Response status "info" with HTTP 103 |
Functions Code HTTP 2XX
Http Code | Function Name | Description |
200 | Http200 or Ok | Response status "success" with HTTP 200 |
201 | Http201 or Created | Response status "success" with HTTP 201 |
202 | Http202 or Accepted | Response status "success" with HTTP 202 |
203 | Http203 or NonAuthoritativeInformation | Response status "success" with HTTP 203 |
204 | Http204 or NoContent | Response status "success" with HTTP 204 |
205 | Http205 or ResetContent | Response status "success" with HTTP 205 |
206 | Http206 or PartialContent | Response status "success" with HTTP 206 |
Functions Code HTTP 3XX
Http Code | Function Name | Description |
300 | Http300 or MultipleChoices | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 300 |
301 | Http301 or MovedPermanently | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 301 |
302 | Http302 or MovedTemporarily | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 302 |
303 | Http303 or SeeOther | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 303 |
304 | Http304 or NotModified | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 304 |
305 | Http305 or UseProxy | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 305 |
307 | Http307 or TemporaryRedirect | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 307 |
308 | Http308 or PermanentRedirect | Response status "redirection" with HTTP 308 |
Functions Code HTTP 4XX
Http Code | Function Name | Description |
400 | Http400 or BadRequest | Response status "error" with HTTP 400 |
401 | Http401 or Unauthorized | Response status "error" with HTTP 401 |
402 | Http402 or PaymentRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 402 |
403 | Http403 or Forbidden | Response status "error" with HTTP 403 |
404 | Http404 or NotFound | Response status "error" with HTTP 404 |
405 | Http405 or MethodNotAllowed | Response status "error" with HTTP 405 |
406 | Http406 or NotAcceptable | Response status "error" with HTTP 406 |
407 | Http407 or ProxyAuthenticationRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 407 |
408 | Http408 or RequestTimeout | Response status "error" with HTTP 408 |
409 | Http409 or Conflict | Response status "error" with HTTP 409 |
410 | Http410 or Gone | Response status "error" with HTTP 410 |
411 | Http411 or LengthRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 411 |
412 | Http412 or PreconditionFailed | Response status "error" with HTTP 412 |
413 | Http413 or RequestEntityTooLarge | Response status "error" with HTTP 413 |
414 | Http414 or RequestUriTooLarge | Response status "error" with HTTP 414 |
415 | Http415 or UnsupportedMediaType | Response status "error" with HTTP 415 |
416 | Http416 or RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | Response status "error" with HTTP 416 |
417 | Http417 or ExpectationFailed | Response status "error" with HTTP 417 |
421 | Http421 or MissDirectedRequest | Response status "error" with HTTP 421 |
422 | Http422 or UnprocessableEntity | Response status "error" with HTTP 422 |
423 | Http423 or Locked | Response status "error" with HTTP 423 |
424 | Http424 or FailedDependency | Response status "error" with HTTP 424 |
426 | Http426 or UpgradeRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 426 |
428 | Http428 or PreconditionRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 428 |
429 | Http429 or TooManyRequests | Response status "error" with HTTP 429 |
431 | Http431 or RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Response status "error" with HTTP 431 |
451 | Http451 or UnavailableForLegalReasons | Response status "error" with HTTP 451 |
Functions Code HTTP 5XX
Http Code | Function Name | Description |
500 | Http500 or InternalServerError | Response status "error" with HTTP 500 |
501 | Http501 or NotImplemented | Response status "error" with HTTP 501 |
502 | Http502 or BadGateway | Response status "error" with HTTP 502 |
503 | Http503 or ServiceUnavailable | Response status "error" with HTTP 503 |
504 | Http504 or GatewayTimeout | Response status "error" with HTTP 504 |
505 | Http505 or HTTPVersionNotSupported | Response status "error" with HTTP 505 |
506 | Http506 or VariantAlsoNegotiates | Response status "error" with HTTP 506 |
507 | Http507 or InsufficientStorage | Response status "error" with HTTP 507 |
508 | Http508 or LoopDetected | Response status "error" with HTTP 508 |
510 | Http510 or NotExtended | Response status "error" with HTTP 510 |
511 | Http511 or NetworkAuthenticationRequired | Response status "error" with HTTP 511 |
404 Error example
//Execution in php return ApiResponse::NotFound(null, 'object not found!'); // or //Execution in php without params return ApiResponse::NotFound(); // or return ApiResponse::Http404();
//Response { "status": "error", "message": "Not Found", "data": null }
//HTTP Response Status Code: 404 Not Found
401 Error example
//Execution in php return ApiResponse::Unauthorized(); // or return ApiResponse::Http401();
//Response { "status": "error", "message": "Unauthorized", "data": null }
//HTTP Response Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
403 Error example
//Execution in php return ApiResponse::Forbidden(); // or return ApiResponse::Http403();
//Response { "status": "error", "message": "Forbidden", "data": null }
//HTTP Response Status Code: 403 Forbidden
license. Please see the license file for more information.