
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Laravel service provider for the FlightAware FlightXML V3 API

v0.2.0 2017-08-18 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-05-28 10:11:05 UTC


Laravel service provider for the FlightAware FlightXML V3 API.

This project is abandoned

This project is no longer supported.


You can download this package with Composer:

composer.phar require willemo/laravel-flightaware

After Composer is done downloading the package you'll have to add the service provider and facade to your config/app.php file:

return [

    // Other config
    'providers' => [
        // Other providers

    'aliases' => [
        // Other aliases
        'FlightXML' => Willemo\LaravelFlightAware\FlightXMLFacade::class,


After this you'll have to run the command below to publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Willemo\LaravelFlightAware\FlightXMLServiceProvider"


You can configure the package in the config/flightxml.php file. You'll have to add your username and API key from FlightAware to your environment with the following keys:



You can use the FlightXML facade to make calls to the FlightAware API. Right now the endpoints listed below are supported. The methods use the same arguments as the API reference lists. For more information about the endpoints, see the files in the docs folder.

  • FlightXML::getAirportInfo($airportCode);
  • FlightXML::getFlightInfoStatus($ident, $options = []);


Copyright of the name FlightAware, FlightXML and its API belong to FlightAware.