wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin dependents (257) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-6 Cache implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-11 Container implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interfaces, and returning an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-14 Event Dispatcher implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-18 HTTP Client implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-17 HTTP Factory implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight library that discovers available PSR-3 Log implementations by searching for a list of well-known classes that implement the relevant interface, and returns an instance of the first one that is found.

  • PHP


    Lightweight PSR-18 HTTP Client implementation provider tailored to simplify mocked testing.

  • PHP


    Lightweight PSR-17 HTTP Factory implementation provider tailored to simplify mocked testing.

  • PHP


    Lightweight PSR-7 HTTP Message implementations provider tailored to simplify mocked testing.

  • JavaScript


    CMS для агенства недвижимости

  • PHP


    A flawless framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Apps with PHP and Laravel.

  • redactivemedia/redactive-drupal8-platform

    Creates a Redactive Drupal Platform site.

  • PHP


    A starter website for Drupal 8 Developers

  • CSS


    Opencourse based on varbase-project.