
A package that adds the to-do functionality to your Laravel applications.

v1.0.0-beta 2022-05-15 21:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-16 09:49:28 UTC


Laravel To-Do

https://github.com/WiGeeky/todo/actions/ GitHub Workflow Status

This Laravel 7.x package is a sample laravel package that adds the to-do functionality to your existing laravel project.


You will need to install this package from packagist:

composer require wigeeky/todo

This package is made to work out of the box, however, if you need to customize this package's prefix and middlewares, you can publish the project configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WiGeeky\Todo\TodoServiceProvider" --tag="config"


This package uses 3 entities to provide the to-do functionality:

  • User (Provided by your main Laravel project)
  • Task (Tasks that belong to a user)
  • Label (System-wide labels that belong to tasks)


By default, this package provides a RESTful API separated for each resource:


GET   /api/tasks                # List of tasks for the logged in user
GET   /api/tasks/{task}         # Get details about a specific task
POST  /api/tasks                # Create a new task for the logged in user
PUT   /api/tasks/{task}         # Update a task's name and description
PATCH /api/tasks/{task}         # Update a task's status
POST  /api/tasks/{task}/labels  # Add a label to the current task


GET  /api/labels # List of all system-wide labels that user has used so far
POST /api/labels # Add a new label to the system