
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Pimcore Mailchimp Bundle

2.0 2021-07-16 11:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-03-09 13:34:11 UTC


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Feel free to ask if you want to help to keep this project up to date.


Mailchimp integration for Pimcore

Packagist Software License


  • Pimcore X (^10.0.0)


$ composer require wgg/pimcore-x-mailchimp

Installation via Extension Manager

After you have installed the Mailchimp Bundle via composer, open Pimcore backend and go to Tools => Bundles:

  • Click the green + Button in Enable / Disable row
  • Click the green + Button in Install/Uninstall row

Installation via CommandLine

After you have installed the Mailchimp Bundle via composer:

  • Execute: $ bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable WggMailchimpBundle
  • Execute: $ bin/console pimcore:bundle:install WggMailchimpBundle


Upgrading via Extension Manager

After you have updated the Mailchimp Bundle via composer, open Pimcore backend and go to Tools => Bundles:

  • Click the green + Button in Update row

Upgrading via CommandLine

After you have updated the Mailchimp Bundle via composer:

  • Execute: $ bin/console pimcore:bundle:update WggMailchimpBundle

Migrate via CommandLine

Does actually the same as the update command and preferred in CI-Workflow:

  • Execute: $ bin/console pimcore:migrations:migrate -b WggMailchimpBundle

Bundle configuration

The bundle currently supports two kind of configuration storage:

You can configure it:

# Use the FileStorage
    storage: 'Wgg\MailchimpBundle\Storage\FileStorage' #this is the default
# Use the SettingsStore
    storage: 'Wgg\MailchimpBundle\Storage\SettingsStoreStorage'

You can also implement your own storage.


namespace Acme;

class OwnStorage implements \Wgg\MailchimpBundle\Storage\StorageInterface
    public function read(): array
        // You own logic to get the data
        return [];
    public function write(string $apiKey, string $serverPrefix, array $listIds): void
        // You own logic to save the data
# Use your own storage implementation
# 1. register your class
    Acme\OwnStorage: ~

# 2. Configure the bundle to use your storage
    storage: 'Acme\OwnStorage'


Configuration is accessible from the Settings / Mailchimp Settings on the administration panel.

Through Wgg\MailchimpBundle\Util\ApiClient service you can access all Mailchimp API functionality.

You can use Wgg\MailchimpBundle\Util\ListOptionsProvider service in a Select Type for audience/list ids.

From twig you can use mailchimp_list_store function to get access to list/audience ids and names.

Testing configuration

On the admin panel there is a Validate settings button - you can use it to validate the configuration.

From cli you can ping the Mailchimp API and get information about the configured lists:

$ bin/console wg:mailchimp:ping
$ bin/console wg:mailchimp:get-list