
Useful PHP functions and classes

v2.0.11 2019-12-23 04:32 UTC


Common code for templates, forms, and page elements.


Functions for handling errors, managing URL's, string and date manipulations, and custom HTML elements.


An object for constructing HTML, keeping track of and closing elements as they are added to the pile.


Subclass of HTML_Template_Sigma that adds useful features.


Class for handling the building and processing of HTML forms.

Using wCommon—A very quick guide

The following are very high level steps (read: bare minimum steps) to setting up a simple blog-like website that uses wCommon and dStruct.

  1. Set up a server with Apache, PHP and MySQL. Using PEAR, install HTML_Template_Sigma.
  2. Install wCommon and dStruct on your server, typically in /usr/share/php. Adjust PHP's include_path to point to this location.
  3. Copy the files from the sample folder to some location reachable by Apache and set the DocumentRoot to the www folder.
  4. Create a database and run the statements in struct.sql to create the proper dStruct tables.
  5. Create a user with permissions for that database, and capture those credentials inside inc-standard.php.
  6. After editing some internal parameters, run the script create-user.php to create an admin user.
  7. At this point you should have a working website that displays posts. You can log in as the admin and create, edit, and delete posts and also upload images and other documents.