
Some Deployer recipes.

2.0.0 2017-08-14 11:55 UTC


Add composer:

    "webtown/deployer-recipes": "~2.0.0"

This version using Deployer 5.x .

Bundle Commands


You or your organization can register custom deploy.php template file. The template can create other files also! The command find all template service, which has webtown_deployer.template tag.

  1. Create your own DeployerTemplatesBundle.
  2. Create a container directory in the Resources directory: Resources/Template/mySymfonyDeployerTemplateStructure
  3. Build your additional file structure:
  '- Template
       '- mySymfonyDeployerTemplateStructure
            |- app
            |    '- config
            |         '- Deployer
            |              |- server1_key.pub
            |              '- servers.yml
            '- deploy.php
  1. Create MySymfonyDeployerTemplate template class to the /Template directory:
 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: chris
 * Date: 2017.02.17.
 * Time: 16:37

namespace Tests\Webtown\DeployerRecipesBundle\Template;

use Symfony\Component\Templating\EngineInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Webtown\DeployerRecipesBundle\Template\AbstractDirectoryTwigTemplate;

class MySymfonyDeployerTemplate extends AbstractDirectoryTwigTemplate
    // Vars for templates
    protected $type;
    protected $info;
    protected $username;
    protected $host;

    public function getDirectory()
        return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [
    public function build(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, Command $command)
        // Ask informations
        $helper = $command->getHelper('question');
        $typeQuestion = new Question('Please set type', false);
        $this->type = $helper->ask($input, $output, $typeQuestion);
        $infoQuestion = new Question('Please set info', false);
        $this->info = $helper->ask($input, $output, $infoQuestion);
        $usernameQuestion = new ChoiceQuestion(
            'Please select username',
            ['root', 'admin', 'barfoo'],
        $this->username = $helper->ask($input, $output, $usernameQuestion);
        $hostQuestion = new Question('Please set host', 'company.com');
        $this->host = $helper->ask($input, $output, $hostQuestion);
        parent::build($input, $output, $command);
    public function getTemplateParameters()
        return [
            'name'      => 'Test',
            'type'      => $this->type,
            'info'      => $this->info,
            'username'  => $this->username,
            'host'      => $this->host,

    public function getName()
        return 'My Symfony Deployer Template';


Symfony extra

Add new tasks:

  • database:raw-create: Try to create database if not exists (from command line, without doctrine!) You can enable it with the enable_mysql_database_create
  • deploy:init-parameters-yml: Ask the parameters.
  • database:migrate:rollback: Migration rollback. You have to set the use_database_migration_strategy true!
  • deploy:force-cache-clean: Force cache clean. Private!

namespace Deployer;

// include base
require 'vendor/deployer/deployer/recipe/symfony3.php';
// include extension
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/symfony.php';

const SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH = 'app/config/deploy/servers.yml';
    throw new \Exception(sprintf('Nem lett még létrehozva a szerver konfigurációs fájlod a `%s` helyen!', SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH));

set('repository', 'git@github.com:webtown-php/project.git');
set('enable_mysql_database_create', true);


Kunstmaan specific settings. Include the vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/kunstmaan.php file after symfony.php or symfony3.php recipe:


namespace Deployer;

// include base
require 'vendor/deployer/deployer/recipe/symfony3.php';
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/common.php';
// include extension (it contains WT symfony.php)
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/kunstmaan.php';

const SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH = 'app/config/deploy/servers.yml';
    throw new \Exception(sprintf('Nem lett még létrehozva a szerver konfigurációs fájlod a `%s` helyen!', SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH));

set('repository', 'git@github.com:webtown-php/project.git');

Make the config file:

    stage:          prod
    host:           host.com
    user:           user
    # if you are using key
    forward_agent:  true
    # if you are using different php version
    'bin/php':      /usr/local/php/php5.6/bin/php
    'bin/composer': /usr/local/php/php5.6/bin/php /usr/local/bin/composer
    deploy_path:    /var/www/project


$ bin/dep deploy prod [-vvv]


$ bin/dep rollback prod [-vvv]

Load fixtures

This will delete the whole database and rebuild it!

You can enable on each server with the load_fixtures parameter! Default value is false.


namespace Deployer;

// include base
require 'vendor/deployer/deployer/recipe/symfony3.php';
// include extension
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/common.php';
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/symfony.php';
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/load-fixtures.php';

const SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH = 'app/config/deploy/servers.yml';
    throw new \Exception(sprintf('Nem lett még létrehozva a szerver konfigurációs fájlod a `%s` helyen!', SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH));

set('repository', 'git@github.com:webtown-php/project.git');


Add maintenance function, you can lock or unlock the site. You need a maintenance template html. The default path is defined in maintenance_template parameter. Default value is maintenance.html.tpl or app/Resources/views/maintenance.html file in Symfony projects.

  1. Create an maintenance.html.tpl or app/Resources/views/maintenance.html. This file will see users during the maintenance.
  2. Configure the webserver. If maintenance.html exists in the document root, force show this file with 503 status!
    • Apache eg:
      ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|js|gif|jpg|png)$
      RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/maintenance.html -f
      RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !maintenance.html
      RewriteRule ^.*$  -  [redirect=503,last]
    • Nginx eg:
      if (-f \$document_root/maintenance.html) {
        return 503;
      error_page 503 @maintenance;
      location @maintenance {
        rewrite  ^(.*)$  /maintenance.html last;
  3. Register the tasks (use before and after)

deploy.php file:


namespace Deployer;

// include base
require 'vendor/deployer/deployer/recipe/symfony3.php';
// include extension
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/common.php';
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/maintenance.php'; // <-- first!!!!
require 'vendor/webtown/deployer-recipes/recipes/symfony.php';     // <-- second!!!

// ...

// !!!! Register tasks
before('database:migrate', 'maintenance:lock');
// You don't have to unlock after deploy, because there is a new, clean `web` path without maintenance.html!
after('rollback', 'maintenance:unlock');

Console commands:

$ bin/dep rollback prod --keep-maintenance-file
// ...

$ bin/dep maintenance:lock prod 
✔ Executing task maintenance:lock
$ bin/dep maintenance:unlock prod
✔ Executing task maintenance:unlock