
Restrict access to website by whitelisting ip addresses

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Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2020-07-20 12:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-20 21:41:14 UTC


IP Whitelisting

Simple Laravel Package to increase the security of the website by permitting access for users having whitelisted IP Addresses.

In this package, you can add IP Addresses into whitelist which you want to allow access to your site. All other users coming from IPs which are not in whitelist will automatically blocked and won't access site.


via composer

composer require webtoppings/ipwhitelisting


Laravel 5.5 or higher


Run below commands to publish views and migrate tables

php artisan vendor:publish

php artisan migrate


Manage Whitelist

Add below route to your administrator route group to manage whitelist IP Addresses

Route::resource('/ipwhitelisting', '\WebToppings\IPWhitelisting\IPWhitelistingController');

Restrict Access

Use middleware to restrict IP Addresses

'IPBlocking' => \WebToppings\IPWhitelisting\Middlewares\IPBlocking::class,

Add IPBlocking middleware to route group for which you want to restrict access.

Users will be redirect to "403 | Forbidden" page if their IP won't exist on whitelist.
