
This package lets u manage middleware for HTTP a request and response that implement the PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces.

0.0.11 2015-05-21 18:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 04:25:58 UTC


#Middleware (v0.0.*) This package lets u manage middleware for a HTTP request and response that implement the PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface and Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

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Installing via Composer (recommended)

Install composer in your project:

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Create a composer.json file in your project root:

    "require": {
		"websoftwares/middleware": ~0.0.1"

Install via composer

php composer.phar install


Basic usage of the MiddlewareRunner class.

use Websoftwares\Middleware\MiddlewareRunner;

$middleware = new MiddlewareRunner;

// Some middleware object that is callable through invoke or a closure 
// for consistency u could implement the `Websoftwares\MiddlewareInterface`.

// Invokable object
$throttleMiddleware = new ThrotteObject

// request + middelewareOne decoration <= objects are passed by reference
$middelewareOne = function($request, $response) {
    // Decorate the foo property
    $request->foo = $request->foo + 1;

// response + middlewareTwo decoration <= objects are passed by reference
$middlewareTwo = function($request, $response) {
    // / Decorate the bar property
    $response->bar = $response->bar . ' World';

// Add more middleware

$m = $middleware;

// Call
$m($request, $response);

Routing example with external package

Their are many excellent PHP router packages and in time some will be made compatible with PSR-7. In this basic example we will show u how to use the MiddlewareRunner class in conjunction with the latest development version of the Aura Router package.

use Websoftwares\Middleware\MiddlewareRunner;
use Aura\Router\RouterContainer;

$routerContainer = new RouterContainer;
$map = $routerContainer->getMap();
$matcher = $routerContainer->getMatcher();

$middleware = new MiddlewareRunner;

// response + middlewareOne decoration <= objects are passed by reference
$middlewareOne = function ($request, $response) {
    // / Decorate the bar property
    $response->bar = $response->bar.' World';

$routeIndexAction = function($request, $response) {
    // Awesome sauce
    return $response;

// Add middleware

// Add more middleware

// Add route as last one

$map->get('index.read', '/',$middleware); // <-- middleware becomes the handler

// We have a matching route
$route = $matcher->match($request);
$handler = $route->handler;

// Call
$handler($request, $response);


At the time of writing PSR-7 is almost on the horizon released :-) and their are many well written community supported HTTP orientated packages but most packages are not yet compliant.

To avoid mass rewrites of all these great packages or waiting for the author and or community to update them or holding out on the advantage of new compliant packages we can make use of the Adapter pattern to make them for example suitable for PSR-7 middleware.

Adapter RequestAuthenticatorAdapter example

The package acquia/http-hmac-php is an implementation of the HTTP HMAC Spec in PHP We want to validate the signature throw an exception or continue the middleware stack if it is a valid signature.

use Websoftwares\Middleware\MiddlewareRunner;
use Acquia\Hmac\RequestSigner;
use Acquia\Hmac\RequestAuthenticator;
use Websoftwares\Middleware\Adapter\RequestAuthenticatorAdapter;

$middleware = new MiddlewareRunner;

// response + middlewareOne decoration <= objects are passed by reference
$middlewareOne = function ($request, $response) {
    // / Decorate the bar property
    $response->bar = $response->bar.' World';

// Add middleware

// Add more middleware

$authenticator = new RequestAuthenticator(new RequestSigner(), '+15 minutes');

// $keyLoader implements \Acquia\Hmac\KeyLoaderInterface
$authenticatorMiddleware = new RequestAuthenticatorAdapter($authenticator, $keyLoader);


// Call
$m = $middleware;

$m($request, $response);


  • v0.0.11: Updated psr-7 psr/http-message to 1.0 and renamed phly/http with zendframework/zend-diactoros
  • v0.0.10: Logic to exit on response added
  • v0.0.9: Added abstract adapter and first implementation "acquia/http-hmac-php" package


In the tests folder u can find several tests.


Inspired by all the great middleware packages


The MIT License (MIT).