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Webpress additional notification functionalities package


Notification channel for laravel webpress core


To include the package in your project, Please run following command.

composer require webpress/notification


Run the following commands to publish configuration and migration files.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VCComponent\Laravel\Notification\Providers\NotificationServiceProvider"


In .env file, we need some configuration.

// Communication microservice url

Notification Channels

Webpress notification channel

A notification channel to support send email via Webpress Communication microservice (Currently using Mailchimp Transactional Api).

Use this channel in notification class similar to other default laravel notification channel.

use VCComponent\Laravel\Notification\Notifications\Channels\WebpressChannel;

public function via($notifiable)
    return [WebpressChannel::class];

Define the message in toWebpress() method.

use VCComponent\Laravel\Notification\Notifications\Messages\WebpressMessage;

public function toWebpress($notifiable)
    return (new WebpressMessage())
        ->subject('Reset Password')
        ->template('WEBPRESS 01 - reset your password')
                'name'    => 'RESET_PASSWORD_URL',
                'content' => "{$reset_password_url}?token={$this->token}",

APIs List

Here is the list of APIs provided by the package.

Verb URI Action
GET /api/{namespace}/notification-setting/configable get configable notifications of user
GET /api/{namespace}/notification-setting get user notification settings
PUT /api/{namespace}/notification-setting/sync update user notification settings
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GET /api/{namespace}/admin/notifications get list notifications
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/notifications/{id} get a notification
POST /api/{namespace}/admin/notifications create a notification
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/notifications/{id} update a notification
DELETE /api/{namespace}/admin/notifications/{id} delete a notification
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GET /api/{namespace}/admin/template-variables get list template variables
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/template-variables/{id} get a template variable
POST /api/{namespace}/admin/template-variables create a template variable
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/template-variables/{id} update a template variable
DELETE /api/{namespace}/admin/template-variables/{id} delete a template variable
------ ------ ------
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/notification-setting/role/{role_id} get role notification settings
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/notification-setting update role template variable