
a client to use the carapi from CarCopy https://www.carcopy.com/fahrzeugdaten-api/

0.1.0 2018-10-25 08:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 20:59:34 UTC


a client to use the CarApi from CarCopy.com https://www.carcopy.com/fahrzeugdaten-api/


install with composer

    "require": {
        "webnexx/carcopy-api-client": "@stable"

how to use

creating a client

the first step to you the CarApi client is to create a instance

use CarApi\Client as CarApiClient;

// creata a valid CarApiClient Instance with your ApiKey
$client = new CarApiClient ("< YOUR API KEY >");
using the client

after creating a client, you can call the available methods


available api methods

a detailed description for the api methods can be found in the "Technisches Handbuch" PDF on our Page https://www.carcopy.com/fahrzeugdaten-api/

here a short overview about the available functions:


to get the available vehicle data, available parameters are:

$start (defaults is set to 0)
$limit (defaults is set to 30)
$orderType (defaults is set to "ASC")


to get a grouped vehicle data item (e.q. to set them as value in a select box), available parameters are:



get a list of all available translations in the carapi, available parameters are:

$language (defaults to "de") 


get a list of all available value labels with translation options, available parameters are:

$language (defaults to "de") 


get a list of all available label translations, available parameters are:

$language (defaults to "de") 


get the translation of a specific label, available paramters are:

$language (defaults to "de")