
A Wrapper for the Directus REST-API, courtesy of C14r

v1.2.2 2022-08-02 09:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-30 02:05:26 UTC


packagist version directus version

This package allows users to easily consume the REST API provided by the Directus Headless CMS system in any PHP app.


The recommended way to install Directus-API is through Composer.

composer require c14r/directus-api

Table of Content


Creating an API-instance

use C14r\Directus\API;

$api = new API('http://example.com/api/', 'v1'); // base Url and project


// Retrieve a Temporary Access Token
$api->authenticate('username', '********');

// Using Static token

Error handling

$items = $api->items($collection)->get();

if($api->isError($items)) {
    // The request failed.


// List the Items
$items = $api->items($collection)->get();

// Retrieve an Item
$item = $api->item($collection, $id)->get();

// Create an Item
    'title' => 'The Title!',
    'status' => 'draft'

// Update an Item
$api->item($collection, $id)->update([
    'title' => 'The new Title!'

// Delete an Item
$api->item($collection, $id)->delete();

// List Item Revisions
$revisions = $api->itemRevisions($collection, $id)->get();

// Retrieve an Item Revision
$revision = $api->itemRevision($collection, $id, $offset)->get();

// Revert to a Given Revision
$api->itemRevert($collection, $id, $revision)->update();


// List the files.
$files = $api->files()->get();

// Retrieve a File
$file = $api->file($id)->get();

// Create a File
    'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents('./file.pdf'))

// Update a File
    'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents('./file.pdf'))

// Delete a File

Assets (Thumbnails)

// Get an asset
$asset = $api->asset($private_hash)->get();

// or using key, w, h, f, q
$asset = $api->asset($private_hash)->queries([
    'key' => $key,
    'w' => 100,
    'h' => 100,
    'f' => 'crop',
    'q' => 80


// List Activity Actions
$activities = $api->activities()->get();

// Retrieve an Activity Action
$activity = $api->activity($id)->get();

// Create a Comment
    'collection' => $collection,
    'id' => $id,
    'comment' => 'The body of the comment.'

// Update a Comment
    'comment' => 'The new body of the comment.'

// Delete a Comment


// List Collections
$collections = $api->collections()->get();

// Retrieve a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->get();

// Create a Collection
    'collection' => 'my_collection',
    'fields' => [
            'field' => 'id',
            'type' => 'integer',
            'datatype' => 'int',
            'length' => 11,
            'interface' => 'numeric',
            'primary_key' => true

// Update a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->update([
    'note' => 'This is my first collection'

// Delete a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->delete();

Collection Presets

// List the Collection Presets
$presets = $api->presets()->get();

// Retrieve a Collection Preset
$preset = $api->preset($id)->get();

// Create a Collection Preset
    'collection' => $collection,
    'title' => 'Title'
    // ...

// Update a Collection Preset
    'collection' => $collection,
    'title' => 'New Title'

// Delete a Collection Preset


// List Interfaces
$interfaces = $api->interfaces()->get();

// List Layouts
$layouts = $api->layouts()->get();

// List Modules
$modules = $api->modules()->get();


// List Fields
$fields = $api->fields()->get();

// List Fields in Collection
$fields = $api->fields($collection)->get();

// Retrieve a Field
$field = $api->field($collection, $field)->get();

// Create a Field
    'field' => 'test',
    'type' => 'string',
    'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
    'length' => 255,
    'interface' => 'text-input'

// Update a Field
$api->field($collection, $field)->update([
    'note' => 'Enter the title here.'

// Delete a Field
$api->field($collection, $field)->delete();


// List the Folders
$folders = $api->folders()->get();

// Retrieve a Folder
$folder = $api->folder($id)->get();

// Create a Folder
    'name' => 'Amsterdam'

// Update a Folder
    'parent_folder' => 3

// Delete a Folder


// Send an Email
    'to' => [
    'subject' => 'New Password',
    'body' => 'Hello <b>{{name}}</b>, this is your new password: {{password}}.',
    'type' => 'html',
    'data' => [
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'password' => 'secret'


// List the Permissions
$permissions = $api->permissions()->get();

// Retrieve a Permission
$permission = $api->permission($id)->get();

// List the Current User's Permissions
$permissions = $api->myPermissions()->get();

// List the Current User's Permissions for Given Collection
$permission = $api->myPermission($collection)->get();

// Create a Permission
    'collection' => 'customers',
    'role' => 3,
    'read' => 'mine',
    'read_field_blacklist' => ['featured_image']

// Update a Permission
    'read' => 'full'

// Delete a Permission


// List Available Projects
$projects = $api->projects()->get();

// Retrieve Project Info
$project = $api->project($project)->get();

// Create a Project
    'project' => 'thumper',
    'super_admin_token' => 'very_secret_token',
    'db_name' => 'db',
    'db_user' => 'root',
    'db_password' => 'root',
    'user_email' => 'admin@example.com',
    'user_password' => 'password'

// Delete a Project
$api->projects($project)->delete(); // There should be no s in 'projects', but unfortunately it has to be there because of the different endpoints :(


// List the Relations
$relations = $api->relations()->get();

// Retrieve a Relation
$relation = $api->relation($id)->get();

// Create a Relation
    'collection_many' => 'articles',
    'field_many' => 'author',
    'collection_one' => 'authors',
    'field_one' => 'books'

// Update a Relation
    'field_one' => 'books'

//  Delete a Relation


// List the Revisions
$revisions = $api->revisions()->get();

// Retrieve a Revision
$revision = $api->revision($id)->get();


// List the Roles
$roles = $api->roles()->get();

// Retrieve a Role
$role = $api->role($id)->get();

// Create a Role
    'name' => 'Interns'

// Update a Role
    'description' => 'Limited access only.'

// Delete a Role


//  List SCIM Users
$users = $api->scimUsers()->get();

// Retrieve a SCIM User
$user = $api->scimUser($external_id)->get();

//  Create a SCIM User
    'schemas' => [
    'userName' => 'johndoe@example.com',
    'externalId' => 'johndoe-id',
    'name' => [
        'familyName' => 'Doe',
        'givenName' => 'John'

// Update a SCIM User
    'schemas' => [
    'name' => [
        'familyName' => 'Doe',
        'givenName' => 'Johnathan'

// Delete a SCIM User

// List the SCIM Groups
$groups = $api->scimGroups()->get();

//  Retrieve a SCIM Group
$group = $api->scimGroup($id)->get();

// Create a SCIM Group
    'schemas' => [
    'displayName' => 'Editors',
    'externalId' => 'editors-id'

//  Update a SCIM Group
    'schemas' => [
    'displayName' => 'Writers'

// Delete a SCIM Group


// Retrieve Server Info
$info = $api->info($super_admin_token)->get();

//  Ping the server
$pong = $api->ping()->get();


// List the Settings
$settings = $api->settings()->get();

// Retrieve a Setting
$setting = $api->setting($id)->get();

// Create a Setting
    'key' => 'my_custom_setting',
    // 'value' => 12

// Update a Setting
    'value' => 15

//  Delete a Setting


// List the users
$users = $api->users()->get();

// Retrieve a User
$user = $api->user($id)->get();

// Retrieve the Current User
$me = $api->me()->get();

// Create a User
    'first_name' => 'Ben',
    'last_name' => 'Haynes',
    'email' => 'demo@example.com',
    'password' => 'd1r3ctu5',
    'role' => 3,
    'status' => 'active'

// Update a User
    'status' => 'suspended'

// Delete a User

// Invite a New User

//  Accept User Invite

// Track the Last Used Page
$api->trackingPage($id, '/thumper/settings/')->update();

// List User Revisions
$revisions = $api->userRevisions($id)->get();

// Retrieve a User Revision
$revision = $api->userRevision($id, $offset)->get();


// Create a Hash
$hash = $api->hash('Directus')->create();

// Verify a Hashed String
$valid = $api->hashMatch('Directus', $hash)->create();

// Generate a Random String
$string = $api->randomString($length)->create();

// Generate a 2FA Secret
$secret = $api->secret()->get();


// Custom GET-Requests
$response = $api->custom('example')->get();

// Custom POST-Requests
$response = $api->custom('example')->post(); // or ->create()

// Custom PATCH-Requests
$response = $api->custom('example')->patch(); // or ->update()

// Custom DELETE-Requests
$response = $api->custom('example')->delete();

// Request with parameters
$response = $api->custom('example/:id', ['id' => $id])->get();