
Webiny Config Component

v1.6.1 2017-09-29 08:12 UTC


Config component creates ConfigObject instances from config files. Currently supported formats: INI, JSON, PHP, YAML and custom drivers.

Install the component

The best way to install the component is using Composer.

composer require webiny/config

For additional versions of the package, visit the Packagist page.


To use Config component you will need a config file.

Example INI:

a = "value"
b.name = "name"
b.value = "value"

Here is an example of creating a ConfigObject:

    $config = \Webiny\Components\Config\Config::getInstance()->ini('path/to/file.ini');

This will result in $config object containing the following properties:

    $config->properties->a = 'value';
    $config->properties->b->name = 'name';
    $config->properties->b->value = 'value';

If you don't want to use INI sections, or set custom nest delimiter, specify the following arguments:

    $config = \Webiny\Components\Config\Config::getInstance()->ini('path/to/file.ini', false, '_');

You can get your config as string in any format using the following methods:

    $string = $config->getAsJson();
    $string = $config->getAsPhp();
    $string = $config->getAsIni($useSections = true, $nestDelimiter = '.');
    $string = $config->getAsYaml($indent = 4);

And you can also use custom driver

    $driverInstance = new MyCustomDriver();
    $string = $config->getAs($driverInstance);

You can also merge one config with another ConfigObject or array:



To run unit tests, you need to use the following command:

$ cd path/to/Webiny/Component/Config/
$ composer.phar install
$ phpunit