
Backend library for the Triveneto payment gateway

1.1.0 2022-07-04 06:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 12:37:38 UTC


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This library is tasked with providing a higher lever access to the Consorzio Triveneto payment gateway. It was developed following the technical documentation provided by Consorzio Triveneto (version 1.1.1 released in January 2017).


In order to use this library, first of all import it using composer:

composer require webgriffe/lib-triveneto


Then you can start using the library in your code. To do so start by instantiating a Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\Client object:

$client = new \Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\Client($logger);

where $logger is an optional instance of a logger that the library will use to log relevant information.

After that, initialize the client by calling

$client->init($tranPortalId, $password, $initUrl, $action, $secretKey);**

where $tranPortalId is the merchant id provided by Consorzio Triveneto, $password is the password provided by Consorzio Triveneto, $initUrl is the gateway URL that is used to initialize the payment operation, $action defines the payment action (1 for "purchase" action, 4 for "authorize" action) and $secretKey is an arbitrarily chosen security key that is used to perform an additional security check on the received payment confirmation. The $initUrl param can be either https://ipg.constriv.com/IPGWeb/servlet/PaymentInitHTTPServlet for Trivento's production environment or https://ipg-test4.constriv.com/IPGWeb/servlet/PaymentInitHTTPServlet for Triveneto's test environment. Please notice that it may be necessary to use specific values for $tranPortalId and $passowrd depending on which environment is being used (test or production), so make sure to use the correct values for these variables when switching from one environment to the other. The $secretKey variable should contain a value that is randomly generated once and then passed unaltered every time the library is instanciated. For example, his value may be generated in an installation script of the component that used this library and the generated value may be saved in the database every time the library needs to be invoked. It is important to pass the same value in this variable when initiating the payment and when checking the payment notification that is sent by Consorzio Triveneto, otherwise the library will report an error saying that the signature doesn't match.

After the library has been initialized, it's possible to perform two main operations: either initiate a new payment or verify the outcome of a previously initiated payment. To initiate a new payment you must call the paymentInit method:

$client->paymentInit($merchantTransactionId, $amount, $currencyCode, $languageId, $notifyUrl, $errorUrl);

The $merchantTransactionId variable must contain a merchant reference of the transaction, such an order number or the like; $amount is the payment amount in Euro (the only currency currently supported by Consorzio Triveneto); please notice that this value cannot have more than 2 decimal places; $currencyCode must be 978 (Euro, the only allowed currency); $languageId must be the code of one of the supported languages (see below); $notifyUrl must contain the URL that Triveneto will use to notify the outcome of the transaction and $errorUrl must contain an URL that the customer will be redirected to if an error occurs. For the $languageId variable the list of allowed values is: ITA USA FRA DEU ESP SLO SRB POR RUS. The result of this call (unless an exception is thrown) is a Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\PaymentInit\Result object containing the payment id generated by Triveneto and URL that the customer should be redirected to in order to complete the payment.

After the customer reaches this page and completes the payment form (or cancels the payment), Triveneto will perform a server to server call to the notify URL specified in the argument to the paymentInit() function. The list of request parameters that were sent together with this server to server call should be packed into an associative array and passed to the paymentVerify() method:


where $requestParams is an associative array containing all of the request params:

$requestParams = array('paymentid' => ..., 'tranid' => ..., 'result' => ..., etc...);

Again, unless an error occurs and an exception is thrown, then this call will return an instance of Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\NotificationMessage\Result\NotificationResultInterface The concrete type of this object can be either Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\NotificationMessage\Result\NotificationErrorResult if a serious error occurred (the error code and message are contained in the object) or an instance of Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\NotificationMessage\Result\NotificationResult. In the latter case it's necessary to check the getIsSuccess() and getIsPending() methods to assess if the response is actually reporting a succesful transaction. Indeed this result object is also used to indicate that the gateway did not authorize a transaction, so the use of these methods is necessary. It is also possible to check the raw result using the getResult() method if needed. In addition, all other request parameters are packed in this object and can be accessed through a series of getter methods. In any case the server must return a response to Triveneto when this server to server request is received. In order to build this response it's possible to use the Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\NotificationMessage\Response\GeneratorFactory object:

$factory = new Webgriffe\LibTriveneto\NotificationMessage\Response\GeneratorFactory($result, $successUrl, $errorUrl);
$response = $factory->getGenerator()->generate();

where $result is the object that was returned by the call to paymentVerify(), $successUrl is the URL that the customer must be redirected to if the verification outcome is succesful and $errorUrl is the URL that the customer must be redirected to if the payment verification outcome is not succesful. $response will then be filled with the raw response that must be sent back to Triveneto in order to redirect the customer to the desired URL. In this case "succesful" means that $result must be an instance of NotificationResult and that at least one of the getIsSuccess() and getIsPending() methods must return true.

Please notice that even though a $merchantTransactionId field is provided, this value is NOT returned by Triveneto in case of error. The only identifier that is always present is the payment id, so it's recommended to use this value to uniquely identify the payment.


Fork this repository, make your changes and submit a pull request. Please run the tests and the coding standards checks before submitting a pull request. You can do it with:

vendor/bin/phpspec run
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/


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