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No ORM storage of PHP object

0.2 2015-09-10 12:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 23:15:28 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version

No-ORM storage of PHP object.

PHP-Noorm makes it easy to persist your PHP object, without the overhead of Object-Relation Mapping (ORM).


Install the latest version using composer:

$ composer require webd/noorm


First, load composer, and define a directory where your objects can be saved (it has to be writable).

require_once __DIR__  . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
use noorm\Persistent;

// Indicate where to save data

Define the classes that you want to persist. They have to extend the class \noorm\Persitent.

class Client extends Persistent {

  public $name = "";
  private $val;
   * Use annotations to indicate $items is a many-to-many relation to class Item
   * @target Item
   * @var \noorm\ManyToManyRelation
  public $items;
  public function SetName($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
    return $this;

  public function GetVal() {
    return $this->val;

  public function SetVal($val) {
    $this->val = $val;
    return $this;

class Item extends Persistent {
  public $name = "";
   * Use annotations to indicate $clients is a many-to-many relation to Client
   * @target Client
   * @var \noorm\ManyToManyRelation
  public $clients;

You can now create objects and save them on disk.

// Create a new object and save it to disk
$client = new Client();
$client->name = "C1";

The static method All() returns a \noorm\Dataset representing all the saved objects of this class. You can use this dataset to filter, sort or list your objects.

// Show all clients
/* @var $client Client */
foreach (Client::All()->Collect() as $client) {
  echo $client->name . " : ";
  echo $client->items->Get()->Count() . " items\n";

PHP-Noorm also manages many-to-many relations for you. These are described using annotations in your class definition.

// Create a new item
$item = new Item();
$item->name = "I";

// Add this item to the first client
$client = Client::All()->First();

Known bugs and limitations

These are planned improvements:

  • There can be only one many-to-many relation between two classes;
  • You cannot define a many-to-many relation between a class and itself;
  • All() will eagerly load all objects, which is memory expensive.