
A 2FA plugin for filament.

v1.0.0 2023-03-20 18:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 22:16:45 UTC


A Two Factor Authentication plugin for Filament


  1. Install the package via composer (requires filament >= 2.10.40)
composer require webbingbrasil/filament-2fa
  1. Publish assets and run migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-2fa-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Optionally, you can publish config or views:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-2fa-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-2fa-views"
  1. Add \Webbingbrasil\FilamentTwoFactor\TwoFactorAuthenticatable trait to your user model.

  2. Update the config/filament.php to point to the Two Factor Login::class.

"auth" => [
    "guard" => env("FILAMENT_AUTH_GUARD", "web"),
    "pages" => [
        "login" =>

Integrate With Custom Profile Page

This package has a component for two-factor setup that can be easily added to a profile page, like the one for filament-jetstream-theme.

Create a view with the <livewire:filament-two-factor-form> component like the example below:

// resources/views/partials/2fa-section.blade.php
<hr />

<x-filament-jetstream::grid-section class="mt-8">
    <x-slot name="title">
        {{ __('filament-2fa::two-factor.title') }}

    <x-slot name="description">
        {{ __('filament-2fa::two-factor.description') }}

    <div class="space-y-3">

Then add the view to your profile page using render hook:

## in Service Provider file
public function boot()
        fn (): View => view('partials.2fa-section'),


Two Factor Page Confirm Password Finishing enable Recovery codes Enabled Challenge Breezy



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.