1.1.0 2018-02-15 10:50 UTC

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Last update: 2024-12-22 05:19:06 UTC


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Flexible filtration and validation server side Form Model like in Yii2.

The library has no dependencies and can be easily used with any frameworks or code.


composer require web-complete/form


To use the Form, you need to create a class which extend AbstractForm and implement abstract methods: rules () and filters (). In the primitive case, they can return empty arrays.

Filters (filtration rules) is an array of the following format:

    [field, filter, params]


field - field name or field path (dot separated) or array of fields
filter - filter name. It can be a string or callable function. The Form will check method availability in the own object and if not exists then in filter objects array (filtersObject) in case of string. The filter will be called with arguments: $value, $params (parameters from the filtration rules), $form (current from object) and will return the filtered value.
params - array of parameters will be passed to the filter. The requirement depends on the called filter.

Rules (validation rules) is an array of the following format:

    [field, validator, params, message]


field - field name or field path (dot separated) or array of fields
validator - validator name. It can be a string or callable function. It can be a string or callable function. The Form will check method availability in the own object and if not exists then in validator objects array (validatorsObject) in case of string. The validator will be called with arguments: $value and $params (parameters from the filtration rules) and will return boolean.
params - array of parameters will be passed to the filter. The requirement depends on the called filter.
message - Message in case of error. Returns "error" by default or value from overridden the $defaultError property.

If the data field does not have any filtering or validation rules, it will be deleted. However, if the field is necessary, but does not require filtering and validation, you can specify its security by adding it to the rules rules without additional arguments:

    ['name', 'string', ['min' => 3]],
    ['data.nested.field', 'string', ['min' => 3]],
    ['age'], // this field is considered as safe

The form has a built-in validator required, which checks that this field is not empty. The other validators will only be applied to non-empty fields.

The class constructor takes the following arguments:

    public function __construct(
        $rules = null,
        $filters = null,
        $validatorsObject = null,
        $filtersObject = null

rules - will be merged with rules() (optional)
filters - will be merged with filters() (optional)
validatorsObject - object with validation methods (optional)
filtersObject - object with filtration methods (optional)

The form API provides the following methods:

validate() : - validate data
setData($data) - filter and set form data
getData() - get form data
setValue($field, $value, $filter = true) - filter (by default) and set form field value
getValue($field) - get form field value
addError($field, $error) - add an error for field
hasErrors($field = null) - check for errors in the form or field
getErrors($field = null) - get form or field errors
getFirstErrors() - get the first errors of all form fields
resetErrors() - reset form errors

This library has classes Validators and Filters which contains the most commonly used filters and validators and FastForm class form simple forms.


Filters supplied with the library (can be used independently):

trim - trim spaces (arguments: charlist, left, right)
escape - htmlspecialchars
capitalize - transform string to lowercase and capitalize first char
lowercase - transform string to lowercase
uppercase - transform string to uppercase
replace - replace substring (optional arguments: pattern (string or regular expression), to)
stripTags - strip html-tags
stripJs - strip js

For more information, see the Filters class annotations


Validators supplied with the library (can be used independently):

equals - comparison with other value (arguments: value, not (check inequality in case of true))
compare - comparison with other value (arguments: field (The third argument is the Form object), not (check inequality in case of true))
email - e-mail
number - validate if numeric (optional arguments: min, max)
string - validate if string (optional arguments: min, max - string length)
regex - regular expression (arguments: pattern)

For more information, see the Validators class annotations


Filtering and validation rules:

class MyForm1 extends \WebComplete\form\AbstractForm
    protected function filters()
        return [
            [['first_name', 'last_name'], 'capitalize'],
            ['description', 'stripTags'],
            ['content', 'stripJs'],
            ['data.nested.field', 'trim'],
            ['email', 'replace', ['pattern' => 'email.com', 'to' => 'gmail.com']],
            ['*', 'trim'],

    protected function rules()
        return [
            [['description', 'label'], ], // safe fields (no validation)
            [['name', 'email'], 'required', [], 'Field is required'],
            ['name', 'string', ['min' => 2, 'max' => 50], 'Incorrect name'],
            ['email', 'email', [], 'Incorrect email'],
            ['price', 'validatePrice'],
            ['password', 'required'],
            ['password_repeat', 'compare', ['field' => 'password'], 'Repeat password error'],
            ['data.token', 'validateToken'],
            ['some', [SomeValidator::class, 'method'], ['customParam' => 100], 'Incorrect'],
            [['*'], 'regex', ['pattern' => '/^[a-z]$/'], 'Field is required'],
    protected function validatePrice($value, $params, AbstractForm $form)
        return true;
    protected function validateToken($value, $params, AbstractForm $form)
        return true;

Form usage:

$form = new MyForm([], [], new Validators(), new Filters());
if($form->validate()) {
    $filteredData = $form->getData();

Fast Form usage:

$form = new FastForm([['name', 'required'], ['email', 'email']]);
if($form->validate()) {
    $filteredData = $form->getData();
else {
//    $form->getErrors('name');
//    $form->getFirstErrors();
//    $form->hasErrors();

Custom abstract form creation with default rules:

abstract class MyAbstractForm extends \WebComplete\form\AbstractForm

    protected function filters()
        return [
            ['*', 'trim'] 

    public function __construct($rules = [], $filters = [])
        parent::__construct($rules, $filters, new Validators(), new Filters();