
Cloudinary adapter for Flysystem.

v2.0.0 2021-07-22 21:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 03:26:53 UTC


Software License

This is a Flysystem adapter for Cloudinary API.


composer require wearemodus/flysystem-cloudinary '~2.0'

Or just add the following string to require part of your composer.json:

  "require": {
    "wearemodus/flysystem-cloudinary": "~2.0"


use WeAreModus\Flysystem\Cloudinary\ApiFacade as CloudinaryClient;
use WeAreModus\Flysystem\Cloudinary\CloudinaryAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;

include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$client = new CloudinaryClient([
    'cloud_name' => 'your-cloudname-here',
    'api_key' => 'api-key',
    'api_secret' => 'You-know-what-to-do',
    'overwrite' => true, // set this to true if you want to overwrite existing files using $filesystem->write();

$adapter = new CloudinaryAdapter($client);
// This option disables assert that file is absent before calling `write`.
// It is necessary if you want to overwrite files on `write` as Cloudinary does it by default.
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter, ['disable_asserts' => true]);

Cloudinary features

Please, keep in mind three possible pain-in-asses of Cloudinary:

  • It adds automatically file extension to its public_id. In terms of Flysystem, cloudinary's public_id is considered as filename. However, if you set public_id as 'test.jpg' Cloudinary will save the file as 'test.jpg.jpg'. In order to work it around, you can use PathConverterInterface.
  • It does not support folders creation through the API
  • If you want to save your files using folder you should set public_ids like 'test/test.jpg' and allow automated folder creation in your account settings in Cloudinary dashboard.

Good news!

The library supports Cloudinary Transformations!

WeAreModus Fork

This fork includes some essential changes needed for my use-case. See CHANGELOG.md for a full list of changes, but here are the cliff notes:

  • Upload settings default to resource_type 'auto' in order to support video upload in addition to images
  • DataUri now reads the mime-type of media using only the first 1 MB, in order to prevent memory overflow for large files due to finfo->buffer()
  • ApiFacade constructor now accepts an uploadOptions argument containing options that are passed through to the Cloudinary SDK's upload function
  • Added explicit PHP types (this will prevent compatibility with PHP <7.4)
  • Updated dependencies (PHP >=7.4, PHPUnit ^9, cloudinary_php ^2, php_codesniffer 3.*)

Using with Laravel-MediaLibrary

In order to integrate this Cloudinary filesystem with Laravel-MediaLibrary, you will need to create a new filesystem driver as outline below:

  1. Define your Cloudinary .env variables
  2. Define a new filesystem driver in your filesystems.php config file (within the 'disks' array)
    'disks' => [
         'cloudinary' => [
             'driver'     => 'cloudinary',
             'cloud_name' => env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME'),
             'api_key'    => env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY'),
             'api_secret' => env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET'),
  3. Create a new CloudinaryServiceProvider php artisan make:provider CloudinarySeviceProvider, and insert this code into the boot() method
    use WeAreModus\Flysystem\Cloudinary\ApiFacade as CloudinaryClient;
    use WeAreModus\Flysystem\Cloudinary\CloudinaryAdapter;
    use WeAreModus\Flysystem\Cloudinary\Converter\TruncateExtensionConverter;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
    public function boot() 
        Storage::extend('cloudinary', function ($app, $config) {
        $client = new CloudinaryClient(
                    'cloud_name' => $config['cloud_name'],
                    'api_key'    => $config['api_key'],
                    'api_secret' => $config['api_secret'],
                    'overwrite'  => $config['overwrite'] ?? true,
                ], // Cloudinary API options
                    'resource_type'          => 'auto',
                    'eager'                  => [
                        ['fetch_format' => 'mp4', 'format' => '', 'video_codec' => 'h264', 'quality' => '70'], // f_mp4,vc_h264,q_70
                        ['fetch_format' => 'png', 'format' => '', 'quality' => '70'], // f_png,q_70
                    'eager_async'            => 'true',
                    'eager_notification_url' => 'https://mysite.test/webhook/eager',
                    'notification_url'       => 'https://mysite.test/webhook/upload',
                ], // Upload options
                new TruncateExtensionConverter()
            return new Filesystem(new CloudinaryAdapter($client));
  4. Finally, simply define 'cloudinary' as your diskName when managing media
    $this->addMediaCollection('videos')->useDisk('cloudinary'); // Use Cloudinary as disk for the entire collection
    // OR
          ->toMediaCollection('videos', 'cloudinary'); // USe Cloudinary as disk for this media only